SK, "Second Inverse Black Day with fans" event


[매경닷컴 MK스포츠 한이정 기자] SK Wyverns will host a second round of the anti-Black Day event with fans in the third round of the weekly home match against Doosan Bears from 24-26.

SK is organizing a "First Day of Black Day" event on June 30 and July 1. On June 30, the fans had a lot of favor, but on July 1, fans fought the rainy season. SK has set up a second round of anti-black days during Doosan's 3rd round, which will take place on July 24 instead of July 1, which was a rainy season.

First, "Black Jersey", which was appreciated by the fans at the first event, is sold on a first-come, first-served basis as a packaged product in connection with a game ticket.

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SK Wyverns will hold the event "Second Round Anti-Black Day" with the fans. Photo = Offered SK Wyverns

The black uniform made from the Incheon uniform pattern, the representative uniform of SK Wyverns, adopted the main color ivory white as the color of font and color black font as the main color, Lee Jae Won, Kim Dong-yeop, and Jamie Rohmam's autograph were printed.

Members of the official app 'Playweed & # 39; will start from 11am on the 12th, and fans who want to buy uniforms will be allowed to play the event Black Day (24 days) to Ticket Link, -26 days) You can choose the packaged goods uniforms badociated with the ticket of match.

If you select bundled items, only the seat fee will be paid through the ticket link site. You will be required to pay 10,000 won for each of the first and third bases around the baseball field on the day of the day. Event,.

The day, SK will advance the opening time to 2 hours before the start of the game for the convenience of fans, and fans will be able to receive tickets and uniforms for leisure. In addition, the size of the jersey can be selected for online booking so that fans do not have to come to the stadium in the early hours to get uniforms.

Uniforms are sold for a total of 14,000 coins for 3 consecutive seasons and if all quantities are sold online, they will not be sold offline. On the other hand, the event of the "Black Fever" will be held on the dark day, where fans and cheerleaders will use the pound to support the athletes.

SK plans to offer new entertainment to its fans through various events related to limited edition items and game tickets.

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