Small and medium-sized businesses and small business owners can also appeal (minimum wage next year)


Small business owners do not have the right to appeal

(Seoul-Yonhap News) The journalist Yoon Sun-hee asked that we reconsider the fact that SMEs can not accept the minimum wage next year.

The Korean Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises announced, on the 26th, that it had filed a complaint with the Ministry of Employment and Labor on the "minimum wage scheme for 2019".

The Central Bank decided not to apply the minimum wage by type of company, rate of increase without taking into account the criteria for determining the minimum wage, determining the rate of increase without holding account of the ability to pay and basis of calculation As a reason for reconsideration.

The Central Government Central Committee said: "We should take into consideration the deteriorating employment indicators as a result of the recession and the sharp rise in the minimum wage." It is important to discuss and promote the application of ""

"While the minimum wage exceeds 63% of the median wage, it has high influences and unprecedented low rates, but it is forced to 39, increase the wage rate, weakening the international competitiveness of the exporting manufacturing industry, "Small businesses and small businesses must take full advantage of side effects such as deepening, career disparities and salary , inconsistencies between workers, and declining productivity. "

Lee Jae-won, Director of Human Resources Support, said, "This year's minimum wage has risen sharply, so small and medium-sized businesses and small business owners are struggling all the way through." year, but their opinions are not reflected. "He said.

The Korea Employers Federation (KEF) also submitted a minimum wage appeal to the Ministry of Labor.

The Federation of Small Entrepreneurs seized the Ministry of Employment and Labor through the medium-term central committee because it was not allowed to do so. appeal because there is no official recommendation for the minimum wage committee user.

"The minimum wage for 2019" was decided without taking into account the labor productivity and creditworthiness of small business owners, and it was decided that small and medium-sized enterprises would discuss ways of differentiating minimum wages small businesses. "The decision of the Minimum Wage Committee has lost its procedural and substantial legitimacy," he said.

He stressed, "We must withdraw this decision that flouts the right to survival of vulnerable workers, including small business owners and respect the voices of small business owners and SMEs."

The Small Business Federation will proceed to a trial to suspend the implementation of the minimum wage decision and will urge the review of the minimum wage in 2019.

The Ministry of Labor responds that it will respond to the exam results before the first month of next month.

Choi Tae-ho, director of the Labor Policy Department of the Ministry of Labor, said at a briefing to the Sejong government on February 23: "Next month, the 5th is the opinion minimum wage for next year.I will be able to do that, "he said.

For the minimum wage of the following year when the minimum wage committee decides on the 14th at an hourly rate of 8,350 won, the union may file a complaint with the Ministry of Labor and the Minister of Labor must return the result of the review. The Minister of Labor should request a review of the minimum wage if the objection is deemed "reasonable".

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