Small to medium sized merchandise


  Piero's products for small and medium businesses, accounting for 88% of sales

Opening of one month, "Piero packaging" is attracting attention as a new spot of Starfield COEX Mall,.

88% of total sales are products of small and medium-sized suppliers. The store concept that is more fun than shopping and the compression display method that displays 40,000 different products in limited stores are adopted and the rate of product overlap with department stores is less than 30%. have seen a lot of partner products.

In order to show a variety of products, Piero decided to deal with existing products in order to show different products. And 130 small and medium suppliers.

Song Myeong-jin, director at Pierotong Coex Mall, said, "When consumers are looking for stores, they often want to play rather than shop.

As the situation suggests, it is becoming more and more common for a partner company to find products that match the peer-to-peer store concept, but it is not very different to prepare for it. Opening of the first store and finding a new business.

Gaia Corporation, which provides figures such as Marvel, Star Wars, etc., makes sales of products at an average price of less than 400,000 won, achieving more than three times the expected price and receiving favorable responses from consumers.

In addition to providing animal costumes and mask costumes

In Piero Tapping 2, which will be exhibited on the second floor of the Doosan tower in September, foreign tourists will be able to meet foreign tourists [19659003] Yoo Jin-chul, Piero Jamping BM E-Mart, "We present a lot of products of small and medium-sized businesses that mainly sell online because there is no market for them" and "To In the future, Piero Pamping will create a new retail outlet for small and medium-sized businesses and a store that will provide consumers with the ability to view and directly access products online. "

Lee Joo Hyun, Senior Journalist in distribution [email protected] [19659012] "ridiculous price !! (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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