Sohn Heung-min, waiting at 'Happy August' as pre-season goal


It will be significant to have accumulated confidence in scoring when we left about two weeks to join the Asian gaming team.

[골닷컴] His Heung-min (26, Tottenham Hotspur) saw his taste in the second pre-season pre-season game.

His Heung-min played the FC Barcelona 2018 International Championship In the game of the Cup (ICC), he played a direct victory and helped in the equalizer. The team lost 3-5 after a 2-2 draw at the end of the penalty shot.

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Sohn Heung-min, warmed by AS Roma (victory 4-1) I saw no impact until the first half.

His Heung-min was brilliant in the second half. Both teams largely replaced the players and scored the goal in a troubled atmosphere.

Two minutes later, Georges-Kevin scores the goal at his starting point with a goal from Kudo, which hits the defenders in the middle of the box in the 28th minute of the second half. Soong Heung Min was also involved in the scoring. He took part in the Silver Cuddle scoring process with sensational care near the goal.

It was a friendly match, but Son Heung-min was the first kicker of the penalty shootout after 90 minutes of full-time shooting and managed to score. Despite the defeat of the team, he showed a player upside down. Young Barcelona players were invited to exchange uniforms.

General Information | & nbsp; [영상] & nbsp; Pullissich is a big hit, 'Dortmund beat Liverpool 3-1 in the ITC'.

It was the last game of July, when Sohn Heung- In August, the 2018-191 Premier League will open (August 11, Newcastle), and the 2018 Asian Games Jakarta Palembang (August 13) will have place. Sohn Heung-min's professional career is so important that it can influence the second half of August. I can make sense of the fact that I built my confidence by scoring when I left the Asian gaming team about 2 weeks ago.

Sohn Heung-min will play against AC Milan and the ICC Cup in Minneapolis on the first day of the month,

Photos = Getty Images, Official Twitter of Tottenham Hotspur

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