"Song Young-moo, the governor reported to the document of martial law Qi"


  On May 11, Minister of National Defense (right) Song Young-moo of the Yongsan-gu Defense Ministry, Seoul, gives the appointment to Colonel Paik Su-suk, who has been appointed Director of Investigations specials of [연합뉴스]

On the 11th, Minister of Defense Song Young-moo (right) of the Ministry of National Defense in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, appoints Colonel Paik Su-su, appointed Director of Special Investigations of [19659003OnMay11theMinistryofDefenselaunchedaspecialinvestigationteamtoinvestigateallegationsthattheKoreanMilitaryIntelligenceCommandwasinvestigatingcivilianssuchastheSungwolfamilyandmartiallawdocumentsThechiefjusticeofAirForceHeadquarters(Colonel)wasappointedSpecialInvestigatorThespecialworkinggroupisnotunderthedirectionoftheMinisterofNationalDefenseSongYoung-mooanddoesnotreporttheprogressoftheinvestigationtotheMinisterThisisameasurethatguaranteesindependentinvestigationrightsThat'swhytheformerchiefofstaffiscalled"specialinvestigation"bytheDepartmentofNationalDefenseThespecialforceswillbecomposedofabout30peopleincludingthosewhoarenotfromthearmyorthechiefengineer

At the heart of the Provincial Special Investigation Team, which will be held for one month until the 10th of next month, it is the document of the officer. In addition, Lee Chul-hee, the Democrat and Military Human Rights Center, announced on June 6 that "martial arts martial arts martial arts and fusion work plan." According to this document, in March of last year, the military authorities examined the implementation of martial law and martial law and made plans. He was preparing for a situation in which riots would take place before the decision to impeach the Constitutional Court. I have reviewed the suspicions that the suedal panel should resolve.

◇ Who directed? Lee said, "The document was reported to former Defense Minister Han Min-gu," he said. Only the president can declare martial law. At that time, the former prime minister Hwangyong administration was acting as the authority because the authority of Park was suspended. Lee said, "There is a plan to mobilize a military unit in the document, which is in fact something that the DSC can not create." This is the context to insist that Kim Kwan-jin, the former head of security, intervene in the pbadport.

 Candlelight protests exhorting former president Park Geun-hye to be dismissed. [중앙포토]

Candlelight protests exhorting former President Park Geun-hye to be dismissed. [중앙포토]

However, the former minister rejected that it was not a document made with an impure purpose. An badistant of the former minister said: "One of the ministers informed me that I think that a minister should review the law on war and martial law," a- he declared. A government source also said, "In March of last year, a former minister received a report from an official and reported that he had understood. This is why the debate has not improved. "

Lee requested data on the dismantling of the war within the Joint Chiefs of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff three times from November 2016 to February 2017. Former commander Cho Hyun-cheon said "This is a document that Lee has done in reviewing the law and military issues after repeatedly questioning the war regime." He also reports to the Minister of Defense the data to be referred to the policy. "

◇ The representative of the Democratic Party of the Democratic Party of Korea said: "If the people are defined as a fictitious enemy and plan the mobilization of martial law, the procedures of martial law and the movements of military troops," He said. A member of the Democratic People's Party of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Chun Jung-bae, called the document "practically close to the preliminary and the conspiracy." When the military authorities rejected the dismissal of the president, they planned to mobilize military forces and take over the rights of the police and the prosecution to overthrow the opposition.
"data-src =" http://pds.joins.com//news/component/htmlphoto_mmdata/201807/11/d3c5068c-847e-4aea-a5ac-e1879b2596d3.jpg "/>

March 10 2017, the judge of the Constitutional Court read the order citing the dismissal of Park Geun-hye "data-src =" http://pds.joins.com//news/component/htmlphoto_mmdata/201807/11/ d3c5068c-847e-4aea-a5ac-e1879b2596d3.jpg "/>

On March 10, 2017, Lee Jung-mi, Judge at the Constitutional Court, I read a quote.

It is a crime of preliminary and conspiracy against the civil war of the penal code and a military rebellion of military criminal law. It is the logic that punishment is possible by state coup plot as there is suspicion that Kim and the former minister who can lead the mobilization and deployment of the military force have been involved.

However, former military personnel were of the opinion that the legal punishment would be difficult, even if they could have political problems. The army is an agency that enforces martial law and martial law, and this is only a plan that the military has put in place in anticipation of a situation of # 39; emergency. In fact, the mobilization of troops in the document is limited to "the intrusion of protesters into police stations and the taking of arms".

◇ Postponement is delayed = It was last March that Minister Song knew about the existence of the document. He received reports directly from Major Lee Seok-gu. However, until recently, the document was published, there was no action for four months. It is suspected that Minister Song is aware of the existence of the document, but it is doubtful that he reported the case to the Blue House and that he investigated the case. related investigation. In response, a Defense Department official said, "I was concerned that the department would announce that the Department of National Defense would badist the election of the governing party if the documents were released before the June 13 local election. "He said.

 Problem documents drafted by the applicant. [이철희 더불어민주당 의원실]

Document of the case created by the subscriber. [이철희 더불어민주당 의원실]

A spokesman for Cheong Wa Dae said, "Reporting to the presidential office or not is a cut in tofu, and there are some aspects that can not be said." where Cheong Wa Dae received the document, "there is one side that can not be cut. I can only say that for the moment. "An army source said," I know the officer delivered the documents to the Blue House in March. "

◇ Civilian inspectors were suspected of leading a reconnaissance agency in 2013, categorizing family trends, identifying trends and writing reports.We also deployed monitoring officers to Dangwon High School.It is the contents of Seowolho's 180-day record that the Department of National Defense acquired through the seizure of the chief engineer.A government source said: "I did something deceptive but I did not directly inspect civilians, I've written information that I've shared with other organizations. "However, the criticism is that it's the temple itself that the civilian kept the information

  The appearance of Korean military headquarters. [중앙포토]

The appearance of the army headquarters. [중앙포토]

On the other hand, the Department of National Defense also pbaded a special law to block the political intervention of soldiers belonging to military organizations such as military officers. This bill contains a clause that can reject the "political instructions" required by an external agency such as a commander, a commander or the Blue House, and strongly punish the directive. The right to veto the subordinate in relation to the order of political intervention, such as the supervisor, is clarified, and a device is put in place to prevent disadvantage.

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