Sootheongmyon 2 Chujaeon ♥ Woo Hyogwang revealed # Addiction to pregnancy # Comment # Power of love


  Sangmyungmoon Sangmyungmoon [Saison 2] You are my destiny [Chujae Hyun] is in good health and I have conveyed my thanks to the public with Woo Hyo Kwang.

Woo Hyo Kwang Chu Ja Hyun greeted me with a shiny face like "Hello". However, Chu Ja-hyeon's face was the same as before, but his neck was locked. She said, "I do not know if I can hear your voice so well, it's good to hear it." "I'm curious, and I was grateful that the sea was healthy and well mannered. "

" I was hospitalized in a large hospital because my lungs were not good during the seizure, fortunately, Hyogwang and his fans are happy because they are worried ", He said I was worried about how to say hello but I was looking at "Sangmon-myeong 2", and that gave us my best regards, because everyone seemed to be happy. worry, so I contacted them because I meant "Sangmon-myeong 2".

"I did not know, I was not able to check the items. Was a process … and I got to the cook and I said, "I cried a lot at night, I had a few comments, and I was too worried for me, and even the non-fans worried about me.

Regarding his current state of health, he said: "I was not hospitalized in a big hospital , and I must say that I am a little

Hyo Kwang said, "My wife is crying and it hurts here."

This seems to be slow, but … Hyo Kwang is recovering quickly because she's so good beside. ] Chu Ja-hyeon said, "I thought it was easy for me to have a baby, I did not have any experience, because being mother means suffering and sacrifice was the mother of the world, they all suffer.Geotyiji coming from the other side had a smile that "

Choo Ja-hyun said that the words of gratitude to Wu hyogwang." I do not think that there is a child, but when I saw that I had a child and that I had problems, I felt that my wife and I had become a family now because of difficulties that the couple had to live together. "

Woo Hyo-kwang shouted" the power of love "and laughed Chu Ja-hyeon:" You can not say that you like me too much.

Woo Hyo Kwang also expressed his deep sincerity. "I am very grateful to my wife because healing has been quick and I am grateful for the support I have given to my donation," she said.

Chu Ja-hyun, who listened to this, laughed when he said, "Do me good, do it right."

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