"Sorry" … Hajikju black house, Cha Bum-geun and reunion of tears in 20 years


"The black house of Kim Joon-jun", the former national boss Cha Bum-keun, and the meeting of tears of director Hajo Ju-joo in 20 years.

The same day, former coach Cha Bum-keun said: "I will be blamed for the Korean national football team," said Kim Bum-keun, former national coach, Choi Yong- Soo, former FC Seoul coach and German host Nicholas Klarbunde. When I was in Germany, I went to the locker room and the person who was suffering for a long time, but I really felt like that and I cried too much.

When I heard that, Kim Ho-jun said, "It was 20 years ago." I did not do it, but I did it but our players did not get the result, "said Chae Bum-Keun," it's different. "

] Kim Eun Joon said," There is one person who can not solve the pain, but he summarized the pain in 1998. "

When Haj Seok Ju appeared, former director Cha Bum- He seemed surprised, but he soon embraced the director.

The former manager Cha Bum-geun is also in tears and says: "Why do you keep that in mind, it can happen as long as you want, it's not a day or two to play football "It was not only me who was hard in 1998, but I also had trouble directing it."

The two met as a coach and Player at the 1998 World Cup in France

During the 21st broadcast, Hajo Suk-joo rac told the story saying, "I did not see my face, I ran away." Football manager Hajo So-joo was sent to Mexico

The two were reunited in 20 years, and I must admit that I have never been able to do it. "

" I've had some opportunities, "said Choi," I've had the chance to meet, but I missed it. ""

"After retirement so much has happened in a flash, and I could be criticized, "he said.

Former coach, Cha Bum-geun, said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry … I would have called you and you would have spoken if I knew it. "

Haj Seok-joo is indifferent to the national players, also convey the sad heart on the platforms." I spoke to Carlos and I talked about the wall, because I do not see It's like a laugh in the media.It's a thing.I did not see the World Cup games.I played Colombia with Japan.

Former boss Cha Bum-geun also said, "When I saw the case in 1998, I felt it was in my mind." There is a lot to say about the fact that a player grows up and becomes a star because the compliment and criticism of the fans are absolutely necessary and it is not that bad. it should be changed to encourage the family, to make the players more difficult by attracting their families. "

The" Black House of Kim Joon Jun "airs every Thursday

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