South Korea: government approval rating, down accompanied by 3 weeks … Moon Jae-in President 68.9%, Democratic Party 47.4%


  • President Moon Jae – drops to 60% after falling for the third week.
[데일리한국 안병용 기자] Moon Jae-in drops to 60%.

The support of the Democratic Party also declined for the third consecutive week, and the rate of approval by the ruling party is down.

According to the Realmeter polling agency questioned about 2-4 days to the request, In the third week of March, 67.8% of the votes were approved by President Moon, the rate of approval of the National Assembly was 2.6% p lower than last week's 68.9% (very good 42.6%, good 26.3%

A negative rating of 3.0 % p up 25.5% (very imprecise 14.0%, fake 11.5%) was the result of a misdeed of the state.

President Moon's approval rating was 73.0% (negative rating: 22.1%) last Friday (29), and the number of people living in Yemen It was 70.5% (negative rating 25.0%) on the second day of the month when the controversy related to foreign reporting of "dissimulation of North Korea, missiles, production facilities" and "implementation of 52 hours a week time system"

The third day (Tuesday), when the controversy surrounds the review of the overall property tax system was revised to 68% (negative 25.5% rating), it fell to 60% .The 4 (Wednesday) (TK), Busan, Gyeongnam and Ulsan (PK ), Seoul, Gyeonggi-do and Incheon, respectively.

Less than forty, shamanic, conservative and middle clbad. In particular, traditional knowledge (10.1% p↓, 67.0% → 56.9%) and PK (6.8% p↓, 68.7% → 61.9%), 30s (10.1%) % p ↓, 77.6% → 67.5% wt, 75.9% → 70.5%), sheared layer (10.7% w, 50.2% → 39.5%, negative evaluation 42, 1%) and conservative group (8.5% p ↓, 47.5% → 39.0%

Kwon, Soon-jung, director of the study and badysis of actual meters , said: "The nuclear weapons and missiles of North Korea, which were earlier this week, have been concealed and enlarged.

  • In addition, the approval rating of the Democratic Party is in the third week of the year, while the free government of Korea has shown an upward trend, approaching 20% ​​.In addition, the Democratic Party has dropped by 2.2 percentage points to 47.4% over of the third week, down 9.6 percentage points from the second weekend of June (57.0%)

    The Democratic Party has fallen sharply to Yeongnam, including Daegu and Gyeongbuk (TK), Busan, Gyeongnam and Ulsan (PK)

    On the other hand, the Korean Free Party grew by 20%, up 1.3% p to 19.2%, up for the third week, with territories TK and PK, Gyeonggi, Incheon and Chungcheong,

    Positive shares also rose from 0.3% p to 9.7%, continuing to strengthen for the sixth week, and close 10% after 10.1% C & rsquo; is the share of R & D increased slightly in TK and Honam, 50.

    The cheap futures fell from 0.2% p to 6, 0% but remained at 6%, while the Democratic Party of Peace rose from 0.6% p to 2.9%

    The other part, 0.1% p, increased by 2, 7% and shameless party (no, not known) also increased from 0.1% p to 12.1%.

    This week, the total number of electors ages 19 and over is 35,560 (10%), wireless (70%), wired (20%), automatic answer combining method, phone without wire (20%),

    The statistical change was made by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security at the end of January 2018, according to the demographic statistical standard, age, weighting by region And the sample error is ± 2.5% p at a 95% confidence level. For a detailed overview of the survey and results, please refer to the home page of the Real Meter or the Public Opinion Review Committee of the Election Central.

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