South Korea to open "Korea Football"


  North Korea Castle attacks U-21 men's singles final at the 2018 Open Korea Table Tennis Tournament held at Hanbat Gymnasium in Daejeon on the night of September 18-18. . It was a 3-1 win over Japanese Samba Gohei in the established score. [연합뉴스]

North Korea's castle attacks the U-21 men's singles final at the 2018 Open Korea Table Tennis Tournament held at Hanbat Gymnasium in Daejeon on the night of September 18-18. . It was a 3-1 win over Japanese Samba Gohei in the established score. [연합뉴스]

"He told me to look at my friend on the north side, he's a good friend."

Daejeon Chungmu Gymnasium, where the joint training of the two Koreas took place before the Open Table tennis tournament of Korea on the 16th. Kang Moon-soo, a vice president of the tennis badociation The table, which directed Yu Nam-gyu and Yoo Seung-min, pointed out that the inclusion cast (19) was a player to watch among North Korean athletes. The vice president of the river, who has been noticed since he was introduced as a "good player" in North Korea, said: "I have a fundamental meaning, so if you can hear, it will be enough wood.

The player that both Koreas looked at together, the ingredients, finally worked. In the men's under-21 (U-21) final at Hanbat Gymnasium in Daejeon on 18, they won the surprise championship with 3-1 (11-9, 10-12, 11-6, 11 -7). . He was first on the list after defeating Japanese players in four consecutive games of the 16th round Masaki in the final.

 The North Korean athlete takes a photo shoot with the North Korean team during the final phase of the men's singles under 21 at the tournament table tennis Open Korea 2018 at Hanbat Gymnasium of Daejeon. [연합뉴스]

North Korean athletes celebrate the inclusion of North Korea in the men's under-21 (under-21) men's singles final at the 2018 Open Korea Table Tennis Tournament was held at the Hanbat Gymnasium on the 18th. [연합뉴스]

Two years ago, the best semifinals of the Pyongyang U-21 Men's Open were the best, but this time the green table was the best. is revolted. When the ingredients arrived at the championship, all North Korean table tennis players gathered to celebrate, to take a commemorative photo, and so on. He was the first North Korean player to take over from the Korea Open.

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