South Korea's minimum wage increase must be reconsidered in relation to the Democratic Party "We should concede for a better living society" | Policy | News


& # 39; I refuse to contact Alba & # 39; (photo = Yonhap News)

The increase of the minimum wage after 8350 won continues. Small entrepreneurs have resisted and politics is a form of confrontation.

On April 15, the Free Government of Korea declared: "The sharp increase in the minimum wage requires a complete overhaul."

A spokesman for the South Korean party Yoon Young-suk commented, "The wage minimum for 2017 is from The minimum wage has increased by 29.1% in two years. "This is the result of the revenue – driven growth policy, which is unreasonably adjusted to the 10,000 won presidential promise by 2020".

Yoon said, "The ratio of self-employed should be considered important and the rate of self-employed in Korea is 25.5%." The number of self-employed is 5.56 million, the third among OECD countries. Will come. "

Yoon said," The operating profit of the self-employed is only 2.09 million won per month, or 63 percent of the monthly wage of 3.29 million won for employees "" Few employers earn less than their employees, "

" The number of temporary workers fell by 130,000 in June and the number of day laborers fell by 117,000 in June, "the report said. ministry. This is a decrease of 16.4%, "he stressed the collapse of the middle clbad.

"If inflation increases, the won depreciates due to the expansion of the US interest rate, coupled with the economic downturn, the possibility of stagflation, accompanied by an economic downturn and rising inflation, is also increased, "he said. "He said.

A store owner turns off a few lights in a convenience store in Dangjin, Chungnam on the 15th. "I do not think sales will increase, it costs electricity, labor, and electricity. Other expenses, "says Aimo, 47, who runs a convenience store. "I turn off the lights because the cost is high.

On the other hand, the Democratic Party said, "We should make a society that lives well together, but the badertion that the increase in the minimum wage deprives small business owners of their right to live is sad. "

" The minimum wage is the minimum wage required for a worker to maintain a human life, "said a briefing at an early morning briefing. "As soon as the minimum wage is announced, small business owners, convenience stores,

A spokesman, Park said:" The side of the users claiming to freeze and more than 15% "There are no solution from Solomon who can satisfy all the demands of the workers, "he said," If we can not accept the decisions of the Minimum Wages Council, the mechanism of social confusion, our society will not repeat any conflict ". I will not have to do that. "

" The Democratic Party will do its utmost to eradicate unfair trade practices by improving the system so that it does not conflict with small entrepreneurs and minimum wage workers by solving fundamental problems such as royalties, rents and merchant fees. "

Yimyeongkong dot com reporter [email protected]

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