Space X launches its first human capsule capsule in a private space company –


Entry on 2019.03.02 18:35

US space company Space X has launched a rocket with a human capsule at the request of NASA Wednesday, April 2.

The Space X is a Falcon 9 rocket equipped with the dressed capsule 'Crew Dragon'. on the launch pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 2:49 (Paris time). To the International Space Station (ISS).

The founder of Ilron Musks Space X has released a photo of the model's ripple on his Twitter on the afternoon of June 1st (local time). / Twitter Capture

The crew dragon is an inhabited capsule, but the astronaut was not on board as it was a flight test. Instead of the astronaut, Ripley, a manikin with human looks, and a load of 181 kg (400 pounds) were loaded.

Ilron Musk, founder of Space X, also posted Ripley's photos on his capsule before launching the Cruze.

According to Space X and NASA, the Dragon Crew is the first commercial spaceship designed for humans. Since 2011, eight years have pbaded since an inhabited spacecraft was put into orbit in the United States.

The capsule will be moored at the International Space Station around 3 am on March 3 after 27 hours of flight. Crude Dragan is expected to return to Earth after receiving research samples from the International Space Station on August 8, five days after his arrival.

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