Space X sent to the AI ​​robot space, dawn sky minister director – Chungcheong TODAY'S HUI


  ▲ [AFP=연합뉴스]
▲ [AFP=연합뉴스]
  ▲ (Los Angeles-Yonhap News) An unidentified flying object appears in the skies of Los Angeles (Los Angeles) It flies. The flight was revealed to be the Space X Falcon 9 rocket, an American space agency launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in northwestern Los Angeles just before 5:30 pm, Western Time. December 23, 2013
▲ (Los Angeles-Yonhap News) An unidentified flying object appears in the skies of Los Angeles (Los Angeles) on the evening of 22 (local time) ago. The flight was revealed to be the Space X Falcon 9 rocket, an American space agency launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in northwestern Los Angeles just before 5:30 pm, Western Time. December 23, 2013

Space X sent to space robot IA, at dawn minister of the sky officer

(Los Angeles-Yonhap News) correspondent Okcheol =

Tesla CEO, Ilron Musk, a private space explorer The Space X Falcon 9 rocket (Dragon Space) has chosen the perfect time for launch.

The launch of the Falcons 9 rocket, launched by NASA, was announced in December of last year in the US state of California, in December of last year, [19659006] Local Florida media reported that the launch of the Falcons rocket, which fired a UFO (unidentified flying object) over Los Angeles,

Space X announces the launch of the Falcon 9 rocket (version 4 ) with Artificial Intelligence (AI) robots on October 29 in the state of Florida

The Falcon 9 rocket loaded with 2,700 kilograms of cargo was recorded as the 12th Space X rocket launch this year.

Space X has announced that the Falcon 9 rocket has entered its normal orbit soon after its launch

The robot AI Robot Simon (CIMON) in the rocket said the International Space Station (ISS) It is designed to communicate with the members of the station. The SIMON name itself is a mobile companion that communicates with the members of the ISS.

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