Speaking to knowledge before Asiana's meal provider representative dies – Kookmin Ilbo


While the Asiana Airlines "No Meal" incident continues, Asiana Airlines has made an unreasonable claim against its in-flight suppliers.

According to the airline industry, Asiana Airlines chose Gatego Korea instead of LSG SkyChef Korea last March. Gagome Korea has decided to provide meals from the 1st, but the supply has been broken due to the fire of the factory that was built at the airport of & G a a a G G G qui qui qui qui qui qui qui qui qui qui. Incheon in March this year.

Asiana Airlines, which has been at the forefront, has signed a temporary supply contract with Sharp D & Co, which has provided a low-cost air carrier and airline with the best price. other airlines a three-month supply contract. Under the terms of the contract, if the flight is delayed more than 15 minutes because of the problem with the meal, the airline will not pay a commission and, if it is delayed by more than 30 minutes, it will not pay half price.

In-flight meal production was insufficient for Asiana Airlines' demand. Asiana Airlines needs about 3,000 meals a day, which is only one tenth of the annual supply of 30,000 meals a day. Mr. A, a supplier to a partner company that provided meals to Sharp D & Co, would have been under extreme pressure due to the terms of the contract.

million. Said, "Before I die, I think I have to take my responsibilities," he said.A's partner told YTN: "Mr. A cries when our employees are working on the field. "A woman who was crying and crying said that she was crying," said A, who also stated that she had not been able to sleep at the time of the call and that she She had been working for 28 consecutive hours. "

Her son also told JTBC," I told him that I was ready to come and go all night, but that it was not. " not enough to provide the amount I needed. " A said that he will deliver it to the capabilities of the company, but Asiana Airlines has repeatedly demanded that she provide meals on all roads for 30,000 people a day.

On the other hand, Asiana refuted that it was not an unfair contract. The Asiana side said: "It is a standard contract that is commonly used, but the case of the meal and the case of the A deaths are irrelevant." Given the burden of the entrepreneur, we have reduced the burden of pay.

Meanwhile, at 9:30 am on June 2, A, a partner of Sharp D & Ko, a meal-in-flight provider at Cheongna International City Apartment in Seo-gu, Incheon City, His brother found and reported it to the police, no separate suicide note was found. Families in mourning said during a police investigation: "I had a lot of problems with the meal delivery in the day before and I thought I should be responsible."

reporter [email protected]

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