Special Investigator, Drunk King Core Help & # 39;


The special inspection team of the reporter Hallyu Huh, Ik-bum (59, Research Institute and Judicial Training) on ​​today's lawyer, Tomo (61) Complaint

According to a lawyer on the 18th, the spokesman will ask for arrest warrants for the middle of the morning, accused of violation of the law on political funds and falsification of evidence. This is the first time that an arrest warrant application has been filed against a person who has been the subject of an investigation since the inauguration.

The lawyer also acted as a pseudonym "Avoca" as a key member of the "Economic Cooperation Group" headed by Drunk King. He was in charge of the position of "Legal Staff"

The lawyer is also the subject of Druk King's recommendation to governor Kim Kyung-soo of Gyeongsangnam-do last December as consul General of Osaka, Japan. In this regard, the lawyer reportedly interviewed Bae Won-woo's secretary in March.

Initially, the lawyer was the subject of a police investigation, but was charged as a suspect during the investigation. The Special Rapporteur considered that the lawyer was deeply involved in the handling of comments.

In particular, the special investigation team seized the situation in which the lawyer was negotiating with Druking to arrange a meeting with some politicians and distribute and distribute political funds.

Prior to the presidential election last year, the board of directors seized funds of about 800 million won in the last 16 months and asked the prosecution to conduct an investigation. .

The special investigation team dismissed the case at the time, however, after the case was forwarded to the district attorney 's office. Uijeongbu, she badyzed 139 accounts including 136 accounts submitted by the NEC, He was also judged by the manipulation of the evidence of the lawyer.

As a result, the Special Rapporteur, suspected of violating the law on the political fund and manipulating the evidence against the lawyer, C … was an urgent arrest at 1 am.

As for lawyers, the lawyer who was involved in the illegal political fund collects and transfers illegal political funds to politicians such as representatives of the ruling party in 2016 The fees were applied.

Spies should continue to investigate illegal political funds after getting a new lawyer for the lawyer.

In addition, the allegations include the allegation of presentation of false documents in the investigation and the alleged interference in the conduct of the investigation.

The spy team believes that it is necessary to investigate the summons of members of the ruling party to clarify suspicions. (19659002) [email protected] (19659013)! The function (f, b, e, v, n, n) is a function of the function, t, s) {
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