Sports Korea: Han Yong Deok's "Shin Dict", second half of Hanwha


[스포츠한국 박대웅 기자] Who is MVP in the first half of Hanwha who drove incredible bursts?

Samson who played the role of Ace, the best finishing of the league, the best career season,

However, the majority of baseball fans in the first half of Hanwha MVP is Han Yong Duk

Hanwha was branded as the tomb of famous men It was a team shot. Kim In-sik, Kim Eung-yong and Kim Sung-geun, who represent Korean professional baseball, have all taken over in Hanwha.

However, Hanwha has completely changed in just one year, a team that has not been invited to the fall party for 10 years, although the team has made a bold investment with the desire to escape from the darkness.

In detail, the growth of athletes, tweezers of the team of coaches, etc., was the first half of the year, when the strengthening of the power of the # Athlete was limited this year.

Director Han Yong Deok pointed out two important things for the players of the inauguration ceremony.

A coach jumped into a baseball job out of the way, such as truck driving badistance and electrical wiring bullets, with his knee osteoarthritis during college, and then he took his first step as a launcher.

"I was a coach," he said, and he had no choice but to drop the rituals of defeat.

A coach showed his own unique leadership that could not be defined in a nutshell even after the start of the season

The most distinctive feature of his team was that he was at ease with the atmosphere of the team. "I can not beat my chest if I can hit a lot of circuits."

It was a joke that young players were more relaxed than words that could be a burden to them. I confidently expressed my confidence that "hearts are coming out of my eyes."

But that was not the only sweet way to see a stranger, while Samson was pbading through the dugout and turned to a journalist and asked a secretary to play poker, and behind him there was a look of fire, and there was also his own stubbornness.

In mid-May, a coach, Jung Keun- woo, who was suffering from a crisis, said, "I made too many mistakes."

When Kang Kyung-hak went to group 1 and did his best, he says: "The water is rotten."

Sometimes he gave a strong warning message to his opponent when Nexen Cho Sang-woo launches several times a dangerous ball on the body of the player, a wrangler directly asks him the question of how he saw the position of Jo Sang-woo.

With such frankness unleashed without filtration, the director Yong-duk Yong also sometimes has time to go wrong. .

But it is clear that a director is not a member of the group because he is a member of the group, I never said as a pride of my ball. I have always forgotten the praise of players who have shown good work and also players who silently sweat in the shade, and I would like to thank the staff of the 2nd team as well as the 1st team.

Director Yoon Yong-deok was engrossed in writing "Shin Dynasty" in his personal SNS until recently, even though the score and the atmosphere of his team were good.

Han said, "I've been thinking about how I've walked up to now." He said, "There's a saying," Hosadan, but it's not the same thing. is good to follow good things too. My team is fine, but not only when it comes to the media, but also when I'm alone, I feel I have to control myself and control myself more.

Hanwha has a hard time believing that it was second place in the first half of the season, but the schedule for this season has just pbaded. It's hard to be in the current situation because it can not know what kind of variable comes with the onset of the large-scale heat wave.

Park Jong-hoon, Park Jong-hoon's head coach, is also grateful for his coach,

Park said, "When the team is fine, or you may want to show your current situation. However, Han Yong Duk is always humble and careful. Whenever I watch interviews before and after the match, I have the impression of "I am very careful, I have references."

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