Sports Korea: Nine out of nine, why is LG suddenly hurt when we meet Doosan?


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[스포츠한국 잠실=김성태 기자] All games are identical. The flow is completely reversed on an error.

LG has been on the road to Doosan this year for the first time this season. What is Doosan? This is the first team in the league. The defense is good and the mound is good. The paddock, which is said to be relatively weak, is better than the other team.

It is overwhelming even though there is no stranger to it. This means that if Doosan is offered a safety net, it will have to be drained one way or another. LG the other day.

It was also Ryu Jungil of the leader and all the athletes did it. The young Lim Lim star Chan-gyu played against. He threw 106 balls in five innings.

However, Team Tae-sung came out to catch him up to 2-3. However, in the best chance of the 6th round of the first round, LG finished the round with the worst scenario where Sang Sang Woo was in front of the pitcher

. Kim Seung-hyeon, who was in an unstable position, threw two balls on the ball. Third, everyone is front-end. Seo Sang-woo should have been touched more calmly. Of course, I did not follow the luck.

The innings were over when the pitcher was in front of a normal pitcher. If you do not use the opportunity, it will give you the flow. By the end of the sixth, LG has collapsed. All three gave.

This is not a story that he did not catch a sur-account. This is the first clbad. The rider is Kim Jae Ho. Doosan tried to escape two innings of sacrifices.

By the time Ryu Ji-hyeok's sacrifice was played, Kim Jae-ho noticed the situation and ran to the second round of BURINAKE. Already the pitcher took the ball. If you start it at the second base, it's out.

It was perfectly normal that I had to launch one and another. He was put in a crisis of scoring just by a runner, not a runner. It is LG who has not made the mistake of making mistakes.

He authorized Jeong Jin-ho from the opponent to the left of the batting order. 2-3 became 2-4. In addition, Shin Jung Rock was replaced by the shot of Jung Jin-ho. Bae Jae-joon, who followed, threw the hardball. There were two explosions.

The defense is also rushed. Garcia, a third baseman, scored one point in the second run on lap 1 Kyung-min. The ball fell back.

In the third, Park hit a home run, and Doosan scored three goals in the sixth inning. LG defeated 2-6 and lowered his head.

Six times LG had to respond to Seo Sang-woo more calmly. The unseemly defamatory game of New Year's Rock, and the urgent ambitions of third goal Garcia, were also missed.

Director Ryu chung-he also says, "I also want fans, I want to win because I've never won Doosan." Because it was a total loss of season 8, I was ready to win a win one way or another. But lost. 9 was a total of nine losses.

If it's the same performance as the day before, it's not easy for LG to beat Doosan. It is already too late to overcome the seasonal adversary. Now, LG is in fourth place, and it is necessary to work more calmly on the Doosan war to make new leaps.

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