"Strangely Edited" vs. "Adding evidence to the public" Kim Chang-Whan recording Truth Studio


East Light band member Lee Seok Chul has released his own injury picture. [일간스포츠·JTBC]

East Light band member Lee Seok Chul has released his own injury picture. [일간스포츠·JTBC]

When Lee Seok-cheol, a member of The Eastlight group, was subjected to numerous badaults from his multimedia entertainment producer and that he revealed that Kim Chang-hwan had helped him, Kim has criticized Lee Seok-hyun's brother, Lee Seung-hyun. President Kim's transcript elicits opposition and rebellion that seems to be spreading to the truth studio.

Lee Seok-cheol held a press conference on the 19th and said: "My brother, Seung-hyun Lee, was imprisoned in the 5th floor studio and was hit by a producer." It's a fact that I'm I put my guitar cable around my neck when I started, "he said.

President Kim said, "In the last 30 years, I have never been a murderer or an badbadin.

Then Lee Seok-cheol attempted to expose the badault on JTBC in the afternoon and President Kim called and transcribed his transcript of intimidation.

[사진 JTBC '뉴스룸']

[사진 JTBC ‘뉴스룸’]

Kim, who is presumed to be Kim 's president, said: Come to the newspaper as an artist, you have no place where you stand. Who takes the child with the problem? "You should not lift the plate. Your parents are 10 times worse now. "

The next day, Kim said in an interview with Sports Seoul that "Lee continued to have problems, but his brother Seok-cheol had no problem, so I talked for 4 hours on 14. "" It was edited and published in a few words. "

He said: "What I said to Seokchul, it is" I feel sick if my brother Seung Hyun can not team up. You have this problem with the pool card. I spoke to my father and asked him to turn his back on him. "I cut some of them and I gave him the impression that I was saying strangely." Seokcheol seems to have picked a question to spark something. I do not think he asks such questions and thinks to record that Seokchul is not alone in his judgment. "

Lee Seok-cheol said on the 21st that he would submit evidence of recordings and additional photos through the media.

Lawyer Lee Seok-cheol, a lawyer at the Namgang law firm, said: "If it's a rebuttal, we should testify to it." 39 support our badertion that our allegations are false, but Kim simply denies or excuses our badertion. " He said.

Lee, Young-jae, reporter [email protected]

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