'Sumeen side dish' Noh performance, Kim Soo Mi Admire the taste of Ajojim "The soul of my life" Home> Entertainment> Broadcasting and TV <! – -> <! – -> <! –

2018-07-11 20:54 Song

Capture the Sumine accompanying dish & # 39; © News1

A nonsense has not spared the praises of Kim Soo-mi's tastes.

The 11th accompanying dish "Sumine", a peculiarity of the wedding ceremony was revealed. The red and ripe Kim Soo-mi was completed and the first time Noksan and Jang Dong-min tasted it.

Nodsang tasted a bitter gimjimjim with Kim Soo-mi's secret sauce, and admired "it's true and tired". The texture is mellow and tangy, while the texture is the best.

Chang Dong-min said, "I really want to fly.It's fine because it's fine."

Nogyŏn tasted a darling made by Kim Soo-mi, a person aged, and said, "It's the ebb of my life.I'm the best I've ever eaten."

Kim Soo-mi showed his pride to say that "Argujim is my best dish ".

galaxy98 @

<저작권자 © 뉴스1코리아, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

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