Supreme Court & Conspiracy Objection to Military Service … & # 39;


Supreme Court, Suppression of Conscientious Objection to Military Service Act January 1, Supreme Court of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea (Supreme Court)
▲ Supreme Court, Military Service Law On January 1, the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea (the Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea) organizes an award of the Supreme Court for the dissolution of conscientious objectors.
News Yonhap News

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The Supreme Court overturned the case and granted the religious and conscientious objection to military service. The reactions of the parties were different.

In addition, the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party for Peace and the Ministry of Justice immediately expressed their satisfaction. The good of the future has a special meaning for "Bamy", a neutral line that avoids the possibility of avoiding military service, even if it is useful to guarantee human rights.

The Liberal Democratic Party (DPRK) criticized "a bit prematurely," saying that "it would only increase the costs of social conflict."

South Korea "does not have the conscience of judging conscientious objectors"

Song Hee-kyong, spokesman of the Free Korean Party, said in a comment from a free Korean government spokesman on January 1: "The free Korean government will turn to the legislative system of alternative service so that religion and conscientious objection are not abused. " "Respect by the court of individual beliefs and conscience is respected," said the Korean government, "but this decision is a bit premature given the lack of systematic additional equipment to minimize side effects."

If religion and conscience are exploited as a refuge for the military, it will increase the cost of social conflict, "said the South Korean government, noting that" there are currently no objective criteria or verification procedures to judge sincere conscientious objectors.

"The geopolitical specificity of the Korean peninsula as an inter-Korean divide should not be overlooked." "The North Korean nuclear threat is still present and the North and the South are facing each other". "The Labor Party Pact of North Korea clearly states" reunification "I worry about deprivation of people and morale."

"We promise that active duty personnel will not hesitate to pay for an acceptable alternative service for all citizens who do not feel deprived and do not oppose the equality of defense duties, "concluded the Korean Free Government.

In addition, the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party of Peace,

Supreme Court Justice Kim Myung-soo attended the Supreme Court of Justice, the Supreme Court of Justice and the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court of Korea.
▲ Kim Myeong-soo CJ Chief Justice Kim Myung-soo witnessed the Supreme Court's January 1 decision to prosecute conscientious objectors for military service at the Seoul Supreme Court.
News Yonhap News

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In addition, the spokesman for the Democratic Party, Lee Hae-sik, said in a written briefing on the subject: "We respect the Supreme Court's decision on conscientious objection." The Democratic Party, "the constitutional worth of the nation for the maintenance and survival of human rights, nothing can in any way contravene the intrinsic consciousness of the individual and freedom is recognized as a more important value, "he said. "We need to step up legislative efforts to provide alternative services to conscientious objectors."

"We are also proud that the Supreme Court has conferred on this decision the sacred role of protecting the community as a member of a community of conscience, freedom, human rights and democracy apart from entire, even for the majority of soldiers who faithfully fulfill the duty of defense.I can not wait to be there. "

On the same day, the Democratic Party of Peace also described the Supreme Court's proactive judgment on conscientious objection to military service as a proactive judgment reflecting changes in our society regarding the meaning and role of military service.

The Democratic Party of Peace declared: "The decision of the Supreme Court, which recognizes religious and conscientious objection as a legitimate motive, means that the nation must not infringe on the person's freedom of conscience As stipulated in the Constitution, I will do my best to prepare a law of amendment to introduce a system of alternative services that respects the Constitution and human rights. "

The Justice Ministry also said: "It's a fair and welcome decision," said Choi Seok, a spokesman, who said: "No principle of law is a law that does not may violate the freedom of conscience granted to a person ". "The government will have to put in place an alternative service system as soon as possible," he said. "We will listen attentively to the opinions of various specialists and we expect that the alternative service will be accepted quickly by the population".

Meaning and limitations At the same time,

Kim Jung-hwa, a spokesman for the future right-wing party, appeared directly in the congressional bureau of the National Assembly and took Mike, but the results of the commentary were somewhat different. "It is significant that the decision of the Supreme Court is due to changes in society and the time and that it guarantees better human rights," said the future legitimate party, "but it is also highly worrying that conscientious objection to military service may be transformed".

"The government must find sophisticated ways to find a reasonable alternative service and not abuse conscientious objection as a means of avoiding military service." The government is looking for ways to improve morale and the treatment of serving soldiers. Urgent. "

"The fundamental constitutional right of freedom of religion and conscience can not be guaranteed without the existence of the state and the security of society," he said. Let's change the term "consciousness".

He said: "Is the" soldier of the military service or the person who enlisted in the army "not the hangman of" unconscious military service? "" Then the beginning of improving morale and improving the treatment reserved for soldiers of the armed forces is "consciousness" It would act to suppress the expression and change d & # 39; expression. "

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