'Suspicion love & # 39; Min Yura, Alexander Gerglin, SNS war … "Partner" automatic proof


Photo: Yura Instastagram Mine

Mingyura (23 years old) and Alexander Gerglin (25 years old), the nation of ice dancing who had a fantastic breathing at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, and C & Is quite different from last February when he set the tone of the song according to the melody of 'Holly Arirang'. on the link.

Gehrynin claims that he decided to dismantle his team because of his instagram decision on the morning of 19, "Gehlin has been so lazy that he has been warned by his coaches these past two months. " Practice says that the problem is now interrupted.

The fund for the training of two people is on crowdfunding. "Since their parents start, their funds are all held by their parents," he said. "I do not know how the funds are used,

Since then, there has been controversy over the issue of the use of mutual discourse and funding between the two peoples,.

But the controversy When Minu Yura emphasized his unfaithful attitude, Gerglin replied that "all the words that Yura spoke to me about were lies."

Gamlin wrote "J & # 39; I was shocked and disappointed that his parents and his parents made a lie and broke the sportsmanship. "

He said," Everything you say about Yura today is a lie, and that can prove to be a lie. "" Yura and her family defame me to make a face. "

He added:" The coach never said anything about Jurado's practice. "

Regarding the controversy, the donation was distributed according to the consensus of both parties:" I am saddened by the fact that Yura and her parents value their pride more than truth and respect "

However, Gilgin also deleted the post soon after its publication

Both were frightened by the difference in their positions , and two who boasted of not being lovers It is unfortunate that they blame themselves for the workshop.

Min-Yura and Gilgin were very poignant when they became friendly and friendly at the Games PyeongChang Olympics

But each time they pointed out that they are "partners "I've seen too much partnership breakdown after developing a relationship of love between ice dance teams," said Sung Yoo. "We are just friends and a" business partner "and we believe in each other."

The two men who boasted of being so lucky to buy a misunderstanding as lovers proved that it was a "business partner" after all the controversy . In four years, it 's about whether the two men who promised the Olympic Winter Games of 2022 in Beijing will be able to see their solidarity on this link.

Kim Hye-run Donga dot com reporter [email protected]

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