[ad_1] 미국 싱크탱크 전략국제문제연구소(CSIS) 전략보고서를 인용해 북한이 ‘미신고’된 미사일 기지를 계속 운용 중이란 뉴욕타임스 보도를 놓고 ‘가짜뉴스’ 논란이 일고 있다. 뉴욕타임스는 CSIS 보고서를 통해 “북한이 그간 대규모 기만 전술을 펼쳐왔다”며 북한이 16개 …
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[ad_1] 올 시즌 프로 야구 최우수 선수 (MVP) 상은 누구 에게 돌아 갈까. 펼친 시즌 최고의 활약 을 펼친 펼친 펼친 펼친 펼친 하는 하는 하는 이 이 이 오는 오는 오후 …
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[ad_1] [KNS뉴스통신 조창용 기자] 올해 국감엔 이미 차기 대권주자 반열에 오른 정치인과 앞으로 오를 가능성을 내포한 정치인 둘이 언론의 스포트라이트를 동시에 받았다. 박원순 서울시장(62, 사진 아래)은 이 번 국감을 통해 문재인 대통령과 차별을 꾀하는 동시 야권에 대권주자로 일치감치 지목되는 등 차기 리더십으로 확실히 자리매김했다. 반면 손학규 바른미래당 대표(71, 사진 위)는 스스로 문재인 대통령과 궤를 같이하면서 언론에 다시 떠오르는 경제 9단 대권주자 올드보이로 재평가되는 분위기다. 우선 박시장의 경우, 야당이 22일 국정감사에서 박 시장을 상대로 ‘차기 대선주자 자격’을 따져 묻는 등 집중 공세를 벌였다. 국감에서 차기 대선 출마 여부를 직접적으로 묻기도 했다. 야당이 국감 무대를 여권의 유력 주자 중 한명인 박 시장 견제에 활용했다는 평가도 나온다. 이날 서울시청에서 열린 국회 국토교통위원회의 서울시 국정감사에서 자유한국당 일부 의원들은 박 시장의 ‘대선주자 자격 미달’을 주장했다. 송석준 의원은 서울교통공사 ‘고용세습’ 의혹을 두고 “박 시장이 뭔가 무책임하고 무능하고 무감각하다는 느낌을 받는다”면서 “정중하게 국민들 앞에 사죄할 건 사죄하는 게 3선 시장에 대선 후보로서 의연한 모습이 아니냐”고 말했다. 홍철호 의원은 “서울교통공사 노동조합이 법에 따른 정상적인 활동을 하지 않고 있다”면서 “박 시장은 앞으로 더 큰 일을 할 것이라고 보는데, 대화와 타협도 좋지만 원칙을 꼭 준수해달라”고 ‘조언’하기도 했다. 박 시장은 서울교통공사 고용세습 의혹에 대해 “사실로 밝혀진 것이 무엇이 있는지 제가 묻고 싶다”고 되묻거나 “비정규직을 양산한 주범이 누구였는지, 국민의 희망을 누가 빼앗았는지 다 알 것”이라며 ‘역공’을 폈다. 박 시장이 대권을 의식해 정부와 일부러 대립각을 세운다는 주장도 나왔다. 민주평화당 윤영일 의원은 박 시장이 최근 여의도·용산 개발을 언급한 점 등을 들어 “나라에선 집값 잡겠다고 나서는데 박 시장은 대권에 뜻이 있어서 그런 것 아니냐”고 지적했다. 이에 박 시장은 “문재인 정부와 서울시 정책기조는 방향이 같다. 특히 서로 일부 의견이 다를 수 있지만 계속 협의해 나가는 상태”라며 “국토교통부 차관과 서울시 2부시장의 협의체가 있다. 정기적으로 현안이 있을 때마다 만난다. 계속해서 시장 안정을 위해 함께 노력하고 있다”고 강조했다. 박 시장은 시정 현안은 적극 해명하거나 반박한 것과 달리 야당의 대권 거론에 대해선 웃어 넘기거나 말을 아꼈다. 윤 의원이 “(정부와 다른 정책을 펴는 것이) 일부 언론에서 부각하듯 대권의 길을 닦기 위한 것 아니냐”고 묻자, 박 시장은 “그게 이것과 무슨 상관이 있느냐”고 쓴웃음을 지었다. 한국당 박덕흠 의원이 “다음 대선에 출마하실 거냐”고 직접적으로 물었을 때도 박 시장은 웃음만 보였다. 앞서 지난 18일 국회 행정안전위원회 국정감사에서도 야당은 “대권을 노리는 사람이 이런 결과를 만든 게 안타깝다”(안상수 의원), “대권준비 행정에 대한민국 수도 서울이 망가지고 있다”(홍문표 의원) 등 박 시장의 ‘대권 도전’을 전제로 한 질문 공세를 폈다. 한편, 바른미래당 손학규 대표(71)는 문재인 대통령의 유럽순방과 관련해 “한반도 평화정착을 위한 문 대통령의 노력에 경의를 표한다”고 평가했다. 손 대표는 국회에서 최고위원회의를 주재하며 “(문 대통령이) 프란치스코 교황을 접견해 김정은 국무위원장의 방북 초청을 사실상 수락토록한 것도 높이 평가한다”고 했다. 손 대표는 문 대통령이 유럽 정상들을 만나 대북제재 완화 이슈를 제기한 것에는 “절반의 성공”이라고 했다. 그는 “문재인 대통령은 마크롱 프랑스 대통령을 비롯한 유럽 지도자들이 하나같이 완벽하고 검증가능하며 불가역적인 비핵화(CVID)를 선행조건으로 내걸고 아셈(ASEM·아시아유럽정상회의)에서 북한에 CVID를 요구한다는 표현이 들어간 것을 보고 국제사회 인식은 그렇지 않다는 것을 실감했을 것”이라고 말했다. 손 대표는 “평화는 대세지만 시간은 걸릴 것이라는 게 현실”이라며 “성과에 급급해서 조급하게 나서서는 안 된다”고 당부했다. 손 대표는 또, 한반도 평화에 반대하면서 ‘보수대통합론’을 제기하는 자유한국당을 비판했다. 이날 YTN 라디오 인터뷰에서 “한반도 평화를 무조건 반대하면서 야권이 뭉쳐라, 이게 말이 되겠느냐”며 “(한국당은) 아직도 반 평화주의를 아주 공개적으로 나타내고 있다”고 지적했다. “문재인 대통령이 김정은과 만나서 평화 정착을 위해서 노력하고 이런 걸 아주 송두리째 부정하고 있지 않느냐”고 반문했다. 그는 “우리나라 정치가 촛불혁명 이래로 어느 정도 좌쪽으로 좀 이동했다”며 “자유한국당이 추구하고 있는 보수는 완전히 수구적이고 냉전체제 지향적”이라고 지적했다. 이어 “중도우파의 개혁보수, 또 중도좌파에 있는 개혁진보 이런 사람들이 함께 모여서 중도개혁 정치로 구조를 바꿔서 왼쪽에는 더불어민주당이 있고 오른쪽에는 바른미래당을 중심으로 한 중도개혁정당이 있을 것”이라며 “맨 오른쪽에 자유한국당이 좀 찌그러져서 남아있을 것”이라고 덧붙였다. 한국당 김병준 비상대책위원장의 보수대통합론에 대해 “자유한국당이 어떤 정당이냐. 박근혜가 만든 정당이고 박근혜를 만든 정당”이라며 “박근혜 탄핵, 구속 이걸 만든 정당아니냐. 그렇다고 제대로 반성이나 했나”라고 비판했다. 손 대표는 “자유한국당이 제대로 보수를 한다면 자기혁신부터 해야 하는데 자기 혁신 할 생각은 안하고 보수대통합, 이렇게 바른미래당으로 분칠하겠다는 것 아니냐”며 “이걸로 분칠해서 소위 분식회계 하자는 것밖에 더 되느냐”고 지적했다. [ad_2] Source link
Read More »[정치] In the controversy over the controversy … "Owls meeting dismantled" Anchor As controversy grows over the meeting of owls within the ruling party, which is led by lawmakers, I decided to dissolve it. You have brought the two experts together. Lee Jong-hoon, political commentator and lawyer Kim Tae-hyun. Welcome [인터뷰] Hello Anchor Does the owl disappear in Yeouido? Let's look at the subject. Until a few days ago, I was an owl, and now choir choirs dismount our owls. Does this mean that the owl's nest disappears? [인터뷰] Well. Will the nest easily disappear? However, I think that it will continue to be active. I think you did well once. I do not think that will be the case, because it can be a heavy burden for President Moon Jae-in, but that does not seem to be the case. " Anchor The parties also appealed somewhat unfairly Senator Sunhee raised this position Let's See Just because we were members of Congress who helped Moon Jae -in, we should have been more careful, but I can not do it, I'm sorry, I'll be careful and cautious, so we said we should dissolve now.Do you think the press is becoming a not difficult with a dinner? How do you see it? [인터뷰] The meeting is actually a party, what a meeting … Members of Congress will play early in the morning, I will climb every weekend. If you eat like rice and you make friends and you do it, you can share the value between you. "Then you put a name on it and the meeting spreads … I do not know Do not think Are not you that the door is differentiated? It's about the past diet. That's it can -being because of the development of age, but it seems that there are many doors differentiated from the one that has been differentiated. I think there are many more meetings. Kim Sun – young You also have not heard of an anchor, I have not heard of an anchor. Anchor It seems to be better known because the name is unique. [인터뷰] Because the name is more particular, it is. I can see that Moon Jae-in has a high degree of control over the party, but I do not know if that's what will help the president in the long run, [인터뷰] Anchor There are about 20 people, so I will not do that. [인터뷰] I do not think so. 19659006] So, if you have just met in a goodwill meeting, at most 10 people, 40 people, it's hard to see it as a simple goodwill meeting. So, even in the case of large organizations, it is difficult to get 40 members even if members meet and eat once a month. So, it's a bit to say that it's a dining reunion. If you meet in political circles and also in such a pile, it will be a subject of debate. Anchor Anyway, the Rep. Chun Jae-soo also said so, so I think it's better to look for a contribution to Moon Jae-in. We did not even pay our dues, and there was no president, vice president, secretary, and just a real rally. [전재수 / 민주당 의원 : 해산을 하기로 했습니다.] [진행자 : 없어요? 그럼 밥은 누가 삽니까?] [전재수 / 민주당 의원 : 그냥 고참 의원들이 산다거나. 돌아가면서 사는 경우도 있고. 적어도 어떤 목적을 가지고 있는 모임이거나 아니면 조직일 경우에는회장 또는 부회 장 또는 총무. 이렇게 다들 만드는 것 아니겠습니까? 그런데 이 런 것도 없습니다. 조직의 규율이랄까 이런 것도 전혀 없고요. 참 정치권에서는 아니 땐 굴 뚝에 연기도 날 수 있구나. 그런 생각이 들어요. 아니 땐 굴뚝 에 연기도 나는구나, 정말. 그래서 저희들이 어제 모임 해산을 결정을 했고요.] [진행자 : 해산하기로 완전 결정하셨어요?] [전재수 / 민주당 의원 : 해산을 하기로 했습니다.] ] [전재수 / 민주당 의원 : 네, 해산입니다. 안 모이면 되는 거고 이제 밥 그만 먹자, 이러면 끝 나는 모임이기 때문에 저희들이 공식적으로 해산을 결정했고세요.] [Annu19659005] Anchor It's a meeting without president and vice president, and what is the meaning of the dissolution? I am curious to a certain degree, then the legislator who is reported as an owl is not eating now? There are many lawmakers, but basically they are members of a friendly relationship and goodwill. But if I am a first rate senator, the Democratic Party. In addition, the Democratic Party has the power of the right-wing party members, the right-wing party members who actively support the president Moon Jae-in, 19659004] The power of the supporters who really support the president with enthusiasm is more powerful than any other party. But members of this meeting of owls are now really accredited by investigation and investigation, and if I am not a lawyer? This is not a normal party mechanism. So, if the problems are not solved within the Democratic Party, it will be a very difficult time to come to the party. That's possible Why do I have to give these things I have to compare with the previous government. It may be wrong for lawmakers to hear it, but is not it real? Of course he failed, but at least he played a minimal role, but now the Democratic Party is so popular that Moon Jae-in is very popular. If power is in danger, then there is a problem when there is no power and no power. Anchor A former member of the House of Representatives, Jeon Yeon-ok, said that he would like to talk about meeting owls. I made this criticism. Let's look at the content. The owl's meeting was like that. This is a gathering of power-addicts in the night parliament. I do not make a presidential candidate statement because I am an owl, but what happens is the camp's controversy and controversy. I posted an article that says, "Is not he alive like yesterday?" [인터뷰] But that's the end Anchor Is this what it is? [인터뷰] That's all. So when you become a member of the Jaechon Tachon meeting. So you do not think new members are coming? Once incorporated, it is known to the president directly and indirectly. The number of people who want to protect me, however, increases. However, it is clear that they are trying to strengthen their political stance by using President Moon Jae-in, in any case. But I think that many of them already have a lot of sympathy and already have a lot of power in politics. So, too, a group of drug addicts … I do not know the power dependent, but it does not matter which power-oriented people do these things. We talked about our meeting now and we did not talk about any dues and talked about the people who paid for the rice. Anchor Is this the president? [인터뷰] That's all. Anchor Whatever it is, as I mentioned just now, can there be an inscription on the Democratic Party now? The Democratic Party is deepening now because of the stronger state of mind. Let's see what the press is talking about. It's a democrat who deepens the framework of the introductory framework. That's what I'm going to do. Question, question, real question. It is talking, talking about the subject. I got to the bones. What is the bone? For the bone. [인터뷰] For the bone. For example, I thought it was a sacred bone when I compared it to a bone graft. Blood has divided the blood. I told you a moment ago, but put the pak in it. I have had a good relationship, hard work and a bump. Anchor I think you have not heard of bone bones. [인터뷰] So it's stronger than former President Park Geun-hye. So when Park comes out to talk about the truth, I fight for the power of the Bibak, and as the general election approaches the general elections, I come out of prison and I leave a sincere person. It seems that power is starting to slip, but it's the first year in power, and I do not think it's a good signal to say that a certain type of thing has appeared in the press. Well, I wonder if that's possible. It is reported that at least the containment system does not work. And if I'm talking about the words of former Senator Jeon Yeo-ok, I agree with that of Senator Jeon, Yeok-ok. If I say that it is an affirmation that the president is kept, it is a question. Are not you the one who has to do something for the president, even when the president is in trouble or against his interests? I see it as pure good. But now it's not fully reported in the media, but you know who you are, OWL members. I do not know exactly what the Democratic Party is talking about, but I can not guarantee it, but if they are in the political circle, or if they are watching the constituency, if Mr. Moon Jae-in becomes a bit difficult in the second half of the presidential election, How many people can enter? I do not know [인터뷰] Well, I have to manage the mullmans well Anchor What are mullmunks? [인터뷰] This is probably the first time I've talked about it. Do you remember the word Meruk? So, it is there that the power comes to be ruled anyway, and when the power of the decision becomes higher, the core is gathered in the center. And then, as the rest of them are pushed, their interests will be different, and if they are neglected, these people will become a factor in the party, and this situation will happen with the party leader and the narsha . So we have contributed a lot to the decision of our country, but it is more and more likely that more and more people are saying that they are being neglected. Anchor I think these words are marketed in the press, but in fact, when the election is conducted by the lawmakers themselves, it is more I guess that's not the case. was not the case. [인터뷰] So, in fact, this time, in fact, it was reported in the daily news about affiliates such as Jonggwon Channel, In fact, I did not have the length of the wave. I honestly think that the biggest beneficiary of this meeting with the owls is that I am a member of Park Bum-jae. When did the general member see it? Is the captain of the owl a Bumgyejun park? He says he's going to the convention? I do not think the president will be able to defend me, but I have a marketing side that I am an original skeleton, so I like that but I hate it, but I see that the biggest beneficiary of this meeting is Park Bumgye. Anchor Apart from who is the beneficiary, I will tell you again that the owls have been dissolved. Whatever the case may be, it seems that many such stories have appeared in the debate of the Democratic Prime Minister – [인터뷰] Thus, when the first deputies were in each party, they entered for the first time at the same time. National Assembly, and when they entered the party with difficulty, they received their own praise. If the party leadership makes a decision, or if it shows something to the Blue House, it moves like that, but now we have a voice. I'm talking to you now. No, I think it's normal. If the first lieutenant is seen from the public's point of view, and also legally, it is clearly a constitutional institution individually. This does not mean that your policy will be more difficult, but when the party is not doing well, you should be making a bitter voice in the party and doing something like that, even if it is 39, reelection. Anchor There was a heated debate debate with the bitter voice of Democratic first aid legislators today, and there was an eminent listener. Who is the listener who said that the first Korean lieutenant Kang Hyo Sang suddenly sat in the debate of the first democratic round. We prepared it graphically and let me show it. [인터뷰] This is very unusual. In any case, the ruling party and the first lieutenant-senate are discussing and the other lieutenant-lieutenant will hear. In any case, do not you think that the opinions of the legislators of the ruling party are important? So when I told you that it was very useful, I saw it very cool. Because, to be honest with you, I think Kang Hyo-sang is the editor-in-chief of Chosun Ilbo. So when I think about my old job, it's kind of a pretty good relationship with the ruling party's legislators for the first time. However, when I went there and listened so loudly, I went to the attitude of the ruling party's legislators to learn the policy that they wanted to direct. Administration of the political system, but I think I have a fresh look and a good attitude ] Representative Kang Hyo Sang, who attacked the debate of the Democratic Party. How did he feel after hearing the story? [강효상 / 자유한국당 의원 : (어떻게 오시게 됐나?) 지피지기라는 말이 있잖습니까? 경쟁 정당, 상대 당이 어떻게 움직이고 의원님들이 어떻게 생각하는지 그게 궁금해서 듣고 싶어서 왔습니다. 오늘 민주당 토론회는 보니까 굉장히 포맷 자체가 의원들이 직접 느끼고 경험하고, 앞으로 스스로 개혁하겠다는 내용을 의원님들이 참여해서 얘기하니까 훨씬 더 좋았던 것 같아요. 민주당 의원님들이 상당히 열린 자세를 가지신 것 같아요. 상대방을, 흔히 살벌한 보수궤멸 이런 내용이 난무하지만 오늘 민주당 의원님들 얘기 들어보니까 상당히 좋은 정적이 있어야 자기들도 발전할 수 있다는, 야당을 끌어안아야 한다는 내용도 인상적이었고요.] Anchor This is a pearl of white pearl. It's a little cool, but it's positive, but if you think of Democrats, we're talking about our secrets, but do not sit down and go out. [인터뷰] No, but I'm not going to feel so nervous about this. In fact, I think the situation itself is a phenomenon that shows how many free members of the Korean Party are shaking now. Although it's a bit of a political show, it's still a bit of a political show, but I do not think it's a political show. Need, rather. In this phase now. I think so. Anchor It is said that you have also written a detailed note today. It's a ridiculous story about some reports that do not stand out in the presidential election, so now I refute it. [김어준 / (tbs ‘김어준의 뉴스공장’ 진행자 (이하 진행자) : 하겠다고 본인이 밝힌 건 아닙니다.] [박지원 / 민주평화당 의원 : 본인이 밝힌 건 아닌데 군불을 때면 장작은 타요. 연기가 나고 있다고요.]
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