Tag Archives: immediately

Three weeks in India, 4 million deprivation of citizenship [Anchor] Assam of India suddenly deprived citizens of 4 million citizens After the nationalist ruling party of Hindu nationalism, the atmosphere of rejection of Muslims became stronger [ANNONCEUR] A resident of Assam in India breathes a sigh of relief. It is confirmed that citizenship is safe. [리츄 후사인 / 아삼주 주민 : 저와 제 가족들의 이름이 국가시민권등록 명부에 등록되어 있어서 얼마나 안도했는지 모릅니다.] On April 30, the three provincial authorities released a list of new citizenship lists, which excluded 4 million people The government decided to look for illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. But he explained that even though he was on the list, he would not be banned immediately, and that he would appeal. [라지나트 싱 / 인도 내무부 장관 : 명부에서 빠진 모든 사람들에게 이의를 제기할 기회가 충분히 주어질 것입니다. 관련 법조항이 명문화되어 있는 만큼 충분한 소명 기회가 있을 겁니다.] However, it takes them many years to get citizenship again, and it is also exempt from social benefits as stateless. In addition, this work was done only in Haeamju,

[ad_1] The Nationalist Party of Hindu Nationalism is Expected to Expel Assam's Illegal Muslims in Bangladesh In Bangladesh, There Is More and More Fear That Assam Muslims Becoming 'Second Rohingya' ". World …

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The reason for the "Kia-Samsung" baseball game on "5 o'clock" "class =" "/> KBS N Sports & # 39; 2018 Shinhan Bank Maika KBO League & # 39; [인사이트] [인사이트] Seo Taejin Journalist = Total 44 hits and the bloody battle of KIA Tigers and Samsung Lions for more than five hours has ended with an absurd reason. On the 27th, Daegu Samsung Lions Park held "2018 KBO professional baseball & # 39; KIA Tigers and Samsung Lions match. The two teams that played hard from the beginning of the game continued the tense game. In the 11th expansion, the KIA Tigers started to advance with a difference in scoring with Choi WonJoon and AnHeeHong. Insight "class =" " KBS N Sports" 2018 Bank Shinhan Maika KBO League " Although tired by the heat and play times tired, the Samsung Lions do not pull out easily. The Samsung Lions made the first and second rookies with a walk and ankle against Ko Young – chang, who made his Pro 1 debut. Kia Tigers, who had been in a hurry, posted Mun Kyung-chan, who set up Lee Ji-young to strike and gave Kim Sung-hoon a double RBI. Moon Kyoung Chan, who managed to make two strikes with four goals and an inner fly, abandoned the march and abandoned a tie. Insight "class =" " KBS N Sports" 2018 Bank Shinhan Maika KBO League " Kia Tigers put a total of six pitchers on the mound to Ko Young-chang, I could not replace him. And the second man's luck came to the third hitter of the Samsung Lions, Lee Won Suk. The moment everyone breathed. Moon went into the pitching operation and took off his feet, and Lee Won-seok immediately protested against his actions.

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