[TF이슈] The Pros and Cons of Jeju Yemen's Refugees, What Crashed – Ptoday> Articles


<img src = "http://img.tf.co.kr/article/home/2018/07/02/20185361153058453300.jpg" border = "0" alt = "The advantages and disadvantages of the situation refugees in Jeolla Yemen are confronting each other sharply.The photo shows a demonstration in the neighborhood of the intersection of Sejongno in Jongno-gu, Seoul, in the afternoon of July 30, in opposition to refugees on the Jeju Island. [Photo] ======================================== ================================================== ========================= Both sides of the pros and cons of the refugee situation in Jeolla Yemen are in acute conflict. photo shows the opposition of refugees in the island of Jeju in the vicinity of the Sejongno intersection in Jongno-gu, Seoul in the afternoon of the 30. The three issues on both sides advantages and disadvantages of refugees

[더팩트ㅣ임현경 인턴기자] The controversy surrounding the situation of refugees u Yemen in Jeju is hot. It extends to the point of accepting the refugee's claim that personal security is a priority and a social conflict.

On the evening of June 30, the city of Seoul met the opposition of refugees and the opposition of refugees. In total, 700 people (estimated by the police) gathered at the refugee rally organized by the National Alliance for Measures against Foreign Refugees, calling for the abolition of the civil law and for the protection of refugees. abolition of the unauthorized system. At a distance of about 70 meters, 70 people (police estimate) who condemned the protest of the refugees gathered, saying that "the government should apply the United Nations Convention on Refugees".

The problem is that the number of people applying for refugees on the island of Jeju has grown by more than 500 this year. In response to the petition written on the Cheong Wa Dae site on March 13, he received more than half a million refugee applications, abolition of refugee status, abolition of the refugee claim / amendment because of the demand for illegal refugees.

On the other hand, the media complain about the humanitarian attitude of Jeju refugees and the difficult situation. <더팩트> examined the problems surrounding the situation of refugees in Jeju and the advantages and disadvantages of pros and cons

<img src = "http://img.tf.co.kr/article/home/2018 /07/02/20187380153058453310.jpg "border =" 0 "alt =" More than 500 asylum seekers are waiting to be screened this year on the island of Jeju The photo shows Yemeni refugees waiting for the order to attend the job briefing held at the Jeju Immigration and Foreign Office on June 18. More than 500 asylum seekers waiting to be screened This year on the island of Jeju.The photo shows Yemeni refugees waiting for the order to participate in the job briefing held at the Jeju Immigration and Foreign Office on June 18th.

◆ Criminal Concerns – Improper Generalization to Muslims and Increased Crime in Foreign Countries

All First, it is a fear of crime among Muslim refugees. The opposite side of the refugee claims the possibility of a crime by reporting foreign cases. However, the prosecution argues that it is discriminatory with regard to generalization.

A common representative of Chung Hye-sil (MWTV), who met <더팩트> on the 28th of last month <더팩트> said: "The refugee problem is the whole life of migrants in the country. This shows the terrible situation in which they find themselves. "

Jung pointed out that gender discrimination in Islam is not a problem of a particular religion." Sexual oppression "appears in many forms in n & # 's Any culture context, not Muslims or Yemen, but the "system" based on badual oppression is spreading around the world,

In a phone call with the Minister of Freedom of the 39 Information Cho Kyong Tae 2 <더팩트> 2, [le président américain Donald Trump et le Premier ministre Victor Orban] wrote the word "aggression." The government will also know why Europe or foreign countries are in this position, "said the head of the Korean National Police Agency on June 26th. There are 868 international criminals, who are not all refugees, but enough to make people feel uncomfortable. "[19659015] Jong Hye-sil, a co-representative of the Ministry of Immigrant Broadcasting, said that we too easily believe the fear that does not exist and said that we must accept the existing fear that the refugee felt when he came to this land to survive. "Chung interviews Jong Hye-sil, co-representative of the Ministry of Immigration, said," We believe too easily in "non-existent fear." said. Chung interviews.

Another problem concerning refugees is the "restriction of place of residence". The Ministry of Justice decided to limit all asylum seekers to Jeju Island in April, and when Yemeni refugee claims reached 552 this year, Yemen was designated as non-state from the island of Jeju.

However, the Department of Justice pointed out that there was a problem with such measures. "The fact that the Ministry of Justice restricted the release of Jeju asylum seekers in April is a mistake," said the media chief of the Xinjiang Fuzhou Refugee Human Rights Committee. <더팩트>.

He said, "Jeju has never known the culture of Islam, and there is no infrastructure or Islamic community at all." If communities like Seoul and Incheon help them, the Yemeni people can not work in Jeju As a result, the island of Jeju receives all the effects of the refugee problem, which can be discriminatory against the inhabitants of Jeju. "

There is strong opposition to this." Europe has recently turned to anti-refugees, and the United States also applies its own citizenship policies, " Professor Lee Chung-hee, researcher at the Institute of Legal and Police Studies at Hwawon University <더팩트>

"France was the target of terrorism after the" Charlie Eve terrorism ", and it was the result of the depression that led to the loss of jobs, it is a global point of view that the number of dissatisfied immigrants has increased and that they have been used strategically by Islamic extremist militants such as Islamic countries (IS). "

Professor Lee said," Of course, we must never confuse terrorists and victims of terrorism. "The most important thing for all of us is the serenity of everyday life."

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 It is wise to send those who claim to be refugees in an Islamic culture that is easy to adapt. In the photo, Joe opened a press conference at the Yeouido National Assembly in March last year.
Cho Kyung-tae, a free Korean legislator, said, "It is wise now in Jeju to send those who claim to be refugees in an Islamic culture that is easy to adapt." In the photo, Joe opened a press conference at the Yeouido National Assembly in March last year.