The 14th JIMFF, Hae-il Park, Soo Ae → Gianti, Yeongeo Music X Appointment film [종합]


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[OSEN=지민경 기자] The 14th Jecheon Music Festival held a richer and more varied program.

In the afternoon of the 11th, the official press conference of the 14th Jecheon International Film & Music Festival was held at the Crystal Ballroom, Seoul's Banyan Tree Club & It was opened.

The Jecheon International Music and Film Festival is the only one in Korea to have pbaded the only music festival in the country. The 14th Jecheon International Music and Film Festival will be held in Jecheon City for 6 days August 9th to 14th. 40 musicians will meet the audience, including 117 films from 38 countries (51 short and medium-length films, 66 shorts), as well as Kim Yeon-woo, Hyun-oh, Gianti and Yoon Sueil.

The director said, "We will meet you during a hot summer, our film festival is for the festival of family and recreational film. I would like you to come enjoy the summer holidays in Jecheon. I'm always worried that it will rain at the opening ceremony, but I have to do various tests, even if it's raining, the Jecheon International Music and Film Festival is the more interesting. I would like a lot of attention. When I come to the Jecheon International Music and Film Festival, it's interesting to watch a movie.

In this year's festival, 117 musical films from 38 countries, which have increased slightly over last year, are presented in eight sections. The opening film is David Heinz's "American Folk" road movie by David Heinz, a healing road movie in which two heroes comfort and care for people disappointed by the terror of 911.

Sul Kyung Sook, programmer, It seems that the part that gives the most attention to this is the reality of the musicians. I've tried to select a variety of genres from film to documentary. Moreover, what is unusual is that the number of experimental works that explore music and sound is also increasing.

In addition to the Jecheon International Music and Film Festival, various musical programs can be enjoyed together. A summer night on the beautiful lake scene of Cheongpung surrounded by mountains and lakes, Uerim Summer Night on the stage Uerimji, the music festival of new musicians in the streets of Jecheon, the International Music Festival of Jecheon [19659008] In particular, the actor who is one of the projects of the summer night, becomes conservative and becomes conservative of music. & # 39; Pick Up The Music & # 39; presents actors Park Hae Il, Soo Ae and Yoon Seon Moon as curators.

The special JIMFF program, which can only be found at the Jecheon International Music Film Festival, will launch a new project this year and present more extensive programs. The Movie Movie Theater & # 39; The Jecheon City Cultural Center offers the chance to meet live music at the projections of the Jecheon International Music and Film Festival and the Special Screening Program "Popup Cinema & # 39; is a guerrilla

The 14th trailer of the International Film and Music Festival of Jecheon was performed by Jung Yoon-chul, who produced 'Malaton & # 39; and & # 39; Dae-ri-gun & # 39; And so on.

Director Jung Yoon-chul, who made a 200-kilometer round trip in the car of Iceland, said: "It's the most recent trailer C 'was a car who was worried about what the film looked like The film is a combination of image, video, sound and sound

Finally, the commissioning ceremony of Kwon Yul-ri , who was the ambbadador of the International Festival of Music and Movies of Jecheon this year, took place.Kwon Yi-ryu said: "I am delighted to be the ambbadador of the International Festival of Jecheon's music and movies, where I can enjoy music and movies in one place. I promise to do my best as a public relations ambbadador to present various musical and colorful films to a more user-friendly audience.

Meanwhile, the 14th Jecheon International Music and Film Festival will be held in Jecheon City for 6 days from August 9th to 14th. /[email protected]

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