The 28th day of the lunar eclipse … The 27th day of March litter


The Korean Astronomical Research Institute (General Manager Lee Hyung Mok) is located on March 27 and is located on the 28th day of dawn.

  A progressive lunar astronomical phenomenon taking place on the 28th
<오는 28일 진행되는 개기월식 천문현상 진행 모습>

The planet is at the opposite position of the sun between earth and earth. At this time, Mars is closest to Earth, but Mars orbits around different elliptical orbits with the Earth and does not approach the shortest distance.

Hwaseong approaches 57768016 km from the Earth.

The lunar eclipse is a phenomenon in which the moon enters the earth's shadow as the sun, the earth and the moon are positioned on a straight line. This lunar eclipse is the ecliptic lunar eclipse that covers the entire moon, and this year it appears for the second time since January 31st.

The lunar eclipse begins at 2:13 with a "reflection" on the surface of the moon. Then, at 3:24, the moon enters the "sub-expression" in the shadow seen by the earth. The completely darkened opening ceremony starts at 4:30 and ends at 6:14.

The next lunar eclipse, which can be seen in Korea, will take place at dawn on July 17 next year and will be a lunar eclipse. The lunar eclipse can be seen on May 26, 2021.

  Location of March at 22:00 on the 27th. In addition to Mars, you can see the moon and Saturn in one direction, and you can see shiny Jupiter in the # 39; west.
<27일 밤 10시 기준 화성의 위치. 화성 외에도 달과 토성을 한 방향에서 볼 수 있으며 서쪽으로는 밝은 목성을 볼 수 있다.>

Daejeon = Kim Young-jun reporter [email protected]

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