The 3rd Annual Blue Theater Festival


[여성종합뉴스/백수현기자] The Seniors Theater Festival [제3회 늘 푸른 연극제] is held at the Daehakno Arts Theater, Arko Arts Theater, Busan Citizens' Hall from September 17 to 16, and is planning a new wind in the theater scene.

It is a significant dramatic festival that can meet the representative works of the theater people in one place.

It's a play that only plays for life I'm going to leave the spirit hot and cold this summer with works like theatrical works of older people who live on stage with an "active duty" leaving a clear imprint on the theater company as an author, director, actor and actor.

A total of 6 alumni were selected for the theater program, "Death of a Salesman"

These are the works of Kim Young-moo, the "Old Bike", which is led by the Former emperor "Romulus Greats" and Yeong-

This festival, decorated with works of each elder's life, has many themes, and many of them have a lot of themes.

Especially in the next theatrical festival of the year, we expect that the public can fully appreciate the play. I am determined to make the juniors and the public feel the taste of the game

However, thanks to this "Blue Theater Festival", there is a better support system for the elderly.

However, there was a moment when seniors in the theater were sorry that they could not create a systematic support system. It is expected that this will be an opportunity to direct the interests of related institutions while waiting for them to be provided.

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