The Attorney General who attended the deposition of the brothers and sisters … "Deeply apologies"



Attorney General Moon Moon apologized to the victims of the Brotherhood Protection Center today (27th). You came out of Choi's presentation. Last March, I remember and apologized to Park Jong-cheol's father. After that, the second excuse for past events, huh?

[고석승 반장]

The Brotherhood Welfare Center is an institution operated in Busan in the 1970s and 1980s. It is believed to have been held responsible for forced labor, beatings, beatings, badual badault and even murder. In 1986, the prosecution investigated and confided to the court on arduous activities, but the court did not recognize the special indictment that had been issued against a prison according to which it had functioned lawfully in accordance with the public order created by the Park Chung Hee diet. The latest investigation revealed that the investigation had been reduced or concealed under pressure from the government and the prosecution command. Moon met the victims and apologized to them, who also shed tears as they listened to the victim's testimony.

[문무일/검찰총장 : 그때 검찰이 진상을 명확히 규명하였다면 형제복지원 전체 인권침해 사실이 밝혀지고, 인권침해에 대한 적절한 후속 조치도 이루어졌을 것입니다. 이렇게 피해 사실이 제대로 밝혀지지 못하고 현재까지 유지되는 불행한 상황이 발생한 점에 대하여 마음 깊이 사과드립니다. 인권이 유린되는 사태가 다시는 발생하지 않도록 검찰 본연의 역할에 진력을 다하도록 하겠습니다.] [앵커]

It's such a scene that the second video is nil. Apologies for the past, I think it is important. I believe that the former president, Mr. I would like to applaud this part, but the prosecutor should remember this scene well. It is important to apologize for the past, but we must do things that will not be in the future. That's it? These things are much more important. It seems that today we have treated apologies other than apologies today, but President Moon has filed an emergency appeal alleging that the decision was wrong. The Supreme Court has now started a full trial and I think the truth about the human rights violations committed by the past military regime will be revealed in the next 30 years and that it will be a comfort to the victims.

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