The BlizzCon 2018 opens its doors on 3 … Diablo WOW · Standby Over · Haas Stone's main character to decorate the main stage?


(Photo provided = Blizzard Entertainment)

(Photo provided = Blizzard Entertainment)

Blizzard Entertainment will host BlizzCon 2018, a blizzard, e-sports and community game.

The BlizzCon is the biggest game where players from around the world share their hidden talent and pbadion, discover the world of Blizzard and play games directly with game producers and encourage their favorite stars in the field of electronic sport as part of World clbad competitions C & # 39; is one of the events.

"BlizzCon 2018" is expected to announce a surprise announcement of the Diablo series and users who appreciate the clbadic demo version of World of Warcraft (WOW), over-watch and Haas Stone.

Especially among the different games this year, attention is drawn to the fact that what game will be played on the main stage.

That's Diablo who should be the main character of "BlizzCon 2018". The BlizzCon is expected to publish new content for Diablo, and the industry is mainly observing that the new series, Diablo 4, will be released rather than one of the Diablo 3 series.

In fact, the "BlizzCon 2018" programs display "StarCraft 2" and "StarCraft 2: New Content Ad", but "Diablo" is not just "Diablo 3" but "Diablo". Also suggests this possibility.

(Photo provided = Blizzard Entertainment)

(Photo provided = Blizzard Entertainment)

& # 39; World of Warcraft & # 39; can experiment with a clbadic demo version. Viewers of BlizzCon tickets will be able to explore "Barrens Land (Horde)" and "Westfall (Alliance)" from World of Warcraft.

The demo version can be played from level 15 and the maximum level of all characters is set to 19.

The new content "Overwatch" also attracts attention. The industry is extremely concerned about the possibility of news about the new hero of Overwatch.

In addition, new content such as "Haas Stone" and "StarCraft 2" are attracting attention as new content is surpbaded by players.

In the BlizzCon 2018, various electronic sports competitions were also announced. "World World Warcraft Arena World Championship World Finals", "World of Warcraft Dungeon All of Invocational All Star", "World Heroes", Storm Global Championship Finals "will bring together the best players in the world. 39; eSport to write a new story of Blizzard eSports.

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