"The championship hit Brazil", the curse of Pelé


Belgium Beaten "Excavator's Cursed & # 39; Brazil

Belgium won the match against Brazil in the quarter-finals of the Russian World Cup with Brazilian counterpart Luis Fernagny Kevin Devliner's goals helped Naimar to lead Brazil 2-1 to the quarter-finals .

<img src = "http://ojsfile.ohmynews.com/STD_IMG_FILE/2018/0707/IE002360604_STD.jpg" alt = "The Belgian press presented the news of the advance of Belgium quarterly ⓒ Official Website EVENING

It was not until after the 1986 World Cup in Germany that Belgium qualified for the quarter-finals of the World Cup. The Belgian press

The Brazilian, who had tried to win the championship after 16 years of the World Cup in 2002, was injured.Especially in the world, the most expensive rumor (about 295 billion won), the game ended with a whistle at the end of the game, and tears fell on the ground.

The Brazilian Press With an image of Supremacy against his opponent, "The defeat is a painful lesson (Derrota faith lição dolorosa).

On the day of the match, Brazil recorded a record 25 points record in terms of shots (27: 9), corners (8: 4) and possession of the ball (59%: 41%).

Brazil had a vigorous attack on Nemar and Coutijnu, but the "Goliath 199cm" led by TiVo Kurtua led a "red defense" While DeBlanner proved that he was hailed as the best medium of offensive ground in the Premiership, with only a decisive chance in the 31st minute.

"FIFA Ranking 2" Belgium, who beat Brazil in third place, was qualified as powerful before the opening of the World Cup.

Foreign players, including Devrainer (Manchester City) A team filled with very active players in Europe such as Jarre, Kurt (Chelsea), Marouen Pelaini, Romero Lukaku (Manchester United), Jan Berthain (Tottenham) and Drews Mertens (Napoli )

In particular, the British BBC chose Belgium as a World Cup candidate in Russia with a number of criteria common to the last winners of the World Cup, (19659011) Pele is the winner of the eight Brazilian rounds and Belgian.It is the only Brazilian to win the championship, "I am very happy to have a chance to win the World Cup with Julia," /

Pelé was looking forward to victory from Brazil on his tweeter before the start of the quarter-finals in Brazil and Belgium, where Pele won his title of world champion ⓒ Pele twitter

On the other hand, Brazil does not have to … did not avoid the curse of Pelé. Pele, who is known as a "icon of the curse" in football, is convinced that "Brazil will win" before the Russian World Cup.

In particular, Naimar, who was hailed as "great team captain" by Pelle, was crying twice in the "Curse of Pele" under the ridiculous and critical of football fans around the world for the diving. Neimar, who had to pull out of Brazil's 1-7 defeat (quarter-final against Germany) due to a deadly injury in the quarter-finals of the 2014 World Cup, did not have a chance to win. did not cure the pain four years ago.

On the other hand, Belgium, who beat Brazil in the quarter-finals, will play the final round of luck for France to qualify for the finals with the goal of winning the World Cup in 20 years. Belgium, who pbaded the first stage of the group stage in the quarter-finals, will be able to beat Antoine Gritsman and France, led by Kilian Mbufe. I'm already looking forward to 3:00 am the 11th quarterfinals.

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