The city of Bucheon, coffee, check the disposable cup … Fine for violation of August


[아시아경제 박혜숙 기자] Bucheon City of Gyeonggi Province began to focus on improving the problem of disposable cups

This audit checks whether disposable plastic cups are used in coffee shops and removes the Use of disposable cups

The city plans to encourage the use of disposable plastic cups in stores to prohibit the use of them.

In May, the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Environment signed a voluntary agreement with companies to evaluate the implementation of the agreement. .

In addition, when collecting cartons for the recycling of a large amount of cartons in cafes, the city will check the amount of cartons, We will also introduce the 'business of resource exchange waste "which will be replaced by an envelope. Woo Jong-sun, director of the resource recycling department at Bucheon, said, "I will cooperate with citizens so that an environmentally friendly consumer culture that reduces the use of products Disposables can be adjusted. "

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