The commander saw the military have a desire to carry out "martial law"


Secretary Lee Seok-koo, commander of the Korean military's military headquarters, said on September 27: "I saw that there was a willingness to do that."

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General Lee Seok-koo, command commander of the Korean military forces, attends a meeting of the Information Commission held at the Yeouido National Assembly in Seoul in the afternoon from 27.

This commander attended the General Assembly of the Information Committee of the National Assembly in the afternoon and said: "This is not a plan action because the document was not executed. "

On the day of the information, the ammunition officer reviewed the martial law review on February 17 last year, under the direction of the former Minister Han Min-gu, (TF) for two weeks. The details of the 67-page emergency plan, which details the martial law proclamation plan, were revised twice, but Kim did not reveal who changed his instructions and who has changed.

] However, the staff member of Sook Kangwon and the deputy chief of Gyujin 5 who participated in the document claimed that they had never done any meeting for execution and that they did not I had not registered it as a secret document since the beginning. The president of the information said. In addition, the Chief of the Martial Law Department stated that the heads of the subcommittees insisted that "the preparation of the data for emergency preparedness is a function of the duties of the mission officer" pointed out Lee Seok-gu.

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