The commercial war of warming … The zero tariff of Germany



[아시아경제 조슬기나 기자] The action of the European Union to prevent "tariffs of the trump cars" accelerates. The German car industry, which is now following in its footsteps, has continued the proposal to lobby for "zero tariffs" in trade between the EU and the US. The EU executive committee, which had already warned of large-scale retaliation, also decided to review the plan. According to the Financial Times (FT), the German BMW, Volkswagen and German automakers have been put to the test by US President Donald Trump, who will pay up to 25% of customs duties if the US $ 500. EU does not abolish tariff barriers to US automobiles. And Daimler, the parent company of Mercedes-Benz, will meet with US Ambbadador Richard Grennell in Germany on Thursday, April 4 to support a "zero tariff" in automotive trade between the EU and the US. .

They announced that they would announce their commitment to maintain a level of investment in the United States if tariff swirls could be avoided. FT explains that the Trump administration is also implicitly threatened with moving its production bases if it imposes auto tariffs.

The European Commission is also considering the possibility of meeting EU President Jean-Claude Juncker in the middle of this month and President Trump before meeting with the ambbadador Grenelle at the beginning of last month. . Major trading partners examining tariff reductions include Korea and the United States.

Currently, the EU imposes tariffs of 10% on imported cars, including the United States and 2.5% on the United States. Here is the context where President Trump criticized cars as an unfair trade. The FT said: "In addition to responding to President Trump's discontent, we can reduce the export costs of other trading partners." The United States is also the largest auto export market in the EU.

Negotiations on tariff reduction depend entirely on the European Commission. The European Commission has warned against seeking a detour to prevent trade wars, while warned that if the US imposed car tariffs, they would retaliate against imports from one country. worth $ 300 billion. Bernard Matters, president of the Association of German Automobile Manufacturers (VDA), said that "trade barriers must be lifted from both sides," he said, "it is also possible to conclude an Atlantic agreement based on the WTO.

The customary war unleashed by the Trump administration has led to retaliatory and retaliation measures by each country, and it is expanding. The EU should temporarily impose a guarantee on imported steel products stating that the United States will impose duties on imported steel, which is blocked by steel imports. One source said: "EU members will discuss this issue". If it is determined that the domestic industry is suffering serious consequences, temporary warranties may be granted for a maximum of 200 days.

Korean products excluded from US tariffs are inevitable. The main exporters of steel imported into the EU are China, India, Russia, Korea, Turkey and Ukraine. Among the items covered by the Safeguard survey, Korea exported 2.39 billion euros (3.1 trillion won), or 11.3% of the total.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the same day in a public interview: "The United States is not the only country in the world, auto tariffs are worse than steel tariffs", a- he declared. He again criticized US protectionism by stating that "the global financial crisis would not have been resolved so quickly unless it has been multilateral cooperation within the G20."

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