The cost of the workforce increases, so that the game and the feeling of the consumers decreases.


Hankuk survey on psychological indicators in July 2.9p ↓ All items such as household income decline
Concerns about the increase in the minimum wage in the medium term Increase in the period seasonally depressed Negative Outlook [19659002] If the economic outlook of SMEs retreats for the fourth consecutive month, the consumption psychology index in Gyeonggi Province also fell. According to the Kyonggi headquarters of the Bank of Korea on the 29th and the regional headquarters of the small and medium-sized business of Kyonggi, the Hyundai Consumer Sentiment Index (CCSI) of the Gyeonggi region fell from 2.9p to 103.5 in July, L & # 39 Composite Consumer Confidence Index (VSI) is a psychological index calculated using six main indices of the consumer trend index (SAI): long-term average (January 2003 to December). 2017) Optimistic, but less than 100 means pessimistic.

Looking at the monthly trend from the previous month, the outlook for the future economic outlook is as follows: CSI (99 → 91), current economic judgment CSI (88 → 81), life expectancy forecast CSI (99 → 97)), Household income provided for CSI (103 → 102), and CSI consumer spending forecast (108 → 107).

Also, in July 2018, a survey of household savings in the Gyeonggi region revealed that the household savings CSI (91 → 93) was up and that the CSI ( 96 → 96) was the same as the previous month. In the case of household debt, the current household ISC (103 → 103) remained the same as the previous month, but the stock of household debt CSI (96 → 98 ) increased in MoM.

The SME survey on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in August 2018 also shows a downward trend. Sectoral Outlook The Health Index of Small and Medium Enterprises (SBHI) fell 7.1 pMM, down 2.7 pM to 82.0 Daehan.

"This is because the SBHI peaked in the first half of April, weakening expectations for the domestic economy in 2S09, and concerns about a rise in the minimum wage in the first half of April. Next year in low season It is badyzed because it is strengthened, "he said.

In the case of the manufacturing sector, the economic outlook for the month of August declined 7.0 pts from the previous month to 80.9, while the industry non-manufacturing fell from 7.1 pence to 82.8, indicating a decline in future economic prospects.

According to industry badysis, the domestic sales forecast (88.0 → 81.1) and the operating profit forecasts (85.9 → 79.6) have decreased by 3.3 pence due to seasonal factors and the minimum wage. (83.7 → 79.2), as well as relatively strong export prospects (94.1 → 84.5).

An official of the Central Committee said: "The increase in labor costs (56.8%) was the main management problem after overcoming sluggish domestic demand (55, 1%) in a month following the increase in the minimum wage in 2019. " "In the manufacturing sector," increases in labor costs "are the main obstacles in heavy industries, chemicals and light industry, while in non-manufacturing industries, the costs of workforce are increasing in the construction sector.

Reporter Park, Nohun [email protected]

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