The deep slowness of native pitchers that had constant strength, unfamiliar relationships


In recent years, in many rounds, some of the native pitchers who represented the league are slow.

Doosan Jang Won-joon (33 years old) was a pit launcher on the last 24 days before Suwon kt. That's the decision I took myself. Jang Won-joon, who is in trouble at the end of 10.48 with a record of 3 to 6 and a loss of 3 to 6 this season, told his doctor that he was going to pitch it to anyone. which place, in the middle or in disqualification. There are only two qualifying starts (QS · 6 or more innings and 3 wins or fewer) in 14 starts of the season. He has won double-digit wins for eight consecutive seasons and three consecutive seasons in catches for 10 consecutive seasons. Jang Won-joon was erased from the first team entry in Incheon SK on the 25th.

Although the situation is better than that of Jang Won-jun, his teammate's playhouse (32) is also lethargic. He has 56 wins in the last four seasons, and is 4-7 with a 7.05 ERA this year. One or two games are slipping, and one or two games are slow.

Samsung Yoon Sung-hwan (37), who has been in charge of Samsung's ace in recent years, is also sluggish at 3-12 with an average of 7.12. He has two consecutive wins in five consecutive seasons. Two were excluded from group 1.

LG Chauchan (31 years old) is suffering from lingering sluggishness and pain in the left hip, which ultimately led to the loss of entry I fell. This is the first time this season. Chau Chan, who has three wins in four games this month, has 28 points in 18 innings and one-third. He suffered a setback due to elbow pain in his spring training camp, and he dropped to 142-143 [19459009km] from 146-147 km per hour because of his physical strength . The season's performance is 7-8 with an average of 6.17.

All these throwers have been active players in recent years. In 2014 ~ 2017, it is the second to the fifth pitching in Korea. Kia Yang Hyun-jong scored the most points with 749, 3 and 3 innings, followed by Yoo Hee-gu (741, 3,000), Yoon Seong-hwan (718, 2 innings) Jang Won-joon (673 innings) and Cha Chan-chan (583 innings). On average, he made 30 to 50 innings more than a regular season. Many of the innings have not been a major injury and represent a team rotation.

Kim In-sik, former coach of the national team, said: "Even the pitchers who represent the league are in the game for a few years." I have a good record, but this n & rsquo; Is not good for a season, I think the balance is unbalanced or that the ball is not going as I thought. "(19659008)

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