The demand for electricity, highest peak next week … Reactivation of nuclear power plant 2 (complete) –


Entry 2018.07.20 20:27

As the heat wave continues in mid-July, peak electricity demand will surpbad the peak next week (22 ~ 27). According to the Korean Meteorological Agency, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE) announced on July 20 that the heat would continue next week. "In this case, the maximum electric power will rise to 88.3 million kW." The 88.3 million kW are the biggest demand for electricity this summer, as predicted the summer supply and demand of the government announced on May 5. It is above the record of 88.24 million kW recorded on February 6, 19659003. The government expected the maximum demand for electricity this summer to take place in the second and third weeks of the year. # 39; August.

According to the Ministry of Industry, the demand for electricity at 17:00 (average power demand at 4-5 pm) on the 20th recorded 808.8 million kilowatts (kWh). It surpbaded the previous summer's peak of 87.59 million kW, marking the third highest level in a row.

The Ministry of Industry said: "Unlike the rainy season that usually lasted until the end of July, this year, it is the fastest in 45 years. 19659003] The rainy season, about 32 days in a normal year, ended on the 16th of this year on the basis of the central region.The demand for electricity exploded when the wave of heat began on the 13th and has accumulated over the weekend.

However, the Ministry of Industry says that the power supply is stable.According to the Ministry of Industry , the power supply will be stabilized with a power reserve of more than 10 million kW and an electricity reserve of more than 11% due to the increase in supply capacity

According to the Ministry of Industry Since then, the demand for electricity has increased and the reserve capacity of the 16 has temporarily dropped to 9.45 million kW.

The Ministry of Industry plans to operate two nuclear reactors to meet growing demand, since the maintenance of unit 2 of Samcheon's green energy and Bukpyeong Thermal Unit 1 was completed as planned.

A coal-fired power plant and two gas-fired power plants will be reopened in August, when the Nuclear Safety Commission will approve the reopening of the No. 4 Hanul Nuclear Power Plant after regular inspection. The Ministry of Industry and Economy predicts that the supply capacity of more than 2.5 million kW will be increased and that a stable supply of electricity will be possible in August.

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