The EU Google charge of 5.6 trillion fines … Would this affect the FTC's investigation?


  The EU imposes a fine of 5.6 trillion won on Google ...

The European Union (EU) imposed fines of 4.3 billion euros ( about 5.6 trillion won), the largest ever reported, abuse of dominance in the market using Google's Android smartphone operating system.

According to foreign media reports, including AFP, the EU's executive board has accused Google of imposing fines of 4.3 billion euros (4, $ 9 billion).

The EU wants Google to abuse the dominance of the Android market in the smartphone market and smartphone manufacturers use Google Play, the app store, to install Google apps like Chrome and Maps .

Google misunderstood the behavior of EU consumers over the EU survey and did not consider iOS from Apple to compete with Android,

However, the EU has written an illegal link to Google to put a Google app on its creator,

Sanctions ($ 4.3 billion) were imposed on the EU in June of the year. 39 last year, claiming that "Google has authorized the search for its products first in the search market".

The EU decision should affect our investigation of the FTC

The FTC is investigating all allegations of unfair activity from Google. Google investigated the alleged abuse of the gaming platform market dominance. Mobile gaming companies and so on. When you launch the Android version of mobile games, you can learn about the types of games published only in one of the app stores on Google Play Store or One Store.

The FTC also recently announced that it had already begun to investigate the collection and misuse of personal information

Yusen Sun, journalist in economic policy, ysi. @

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