The first meeting … "Integration and Cooperation"


[Séoul-NewYes] Jong-Myung Jung, Young-joo Park Yu-bai Lee Jae-eun, the Speaker of the National Assembly, said on the 16th that he had his first weekly meeting with the representatives of the parties and the second half of the twenties,.

Moon met with representatives of the National Assembly at 11:00 the day of the meeting, then said: "I promise the second half of the 20th session of the National Assembly.

Moon said, "In particular, one of the two main spiritual programs of which we are currently responsible is the creation of the National Assembly, We are building a strong Republic of Korea in the world by combining all our forces in the perfect, new and safe peace of the candles revolution and the other, the peace of the Korean peninsula. "

He said:" The government of the Moon Jae-in government has been doing this for a long time. year,

He said, "I am waiting for the National Assembly to come before me and solve the problem of people's lives." I hope I will do the same thing and that I hope to do the same thing, and hopefully can do it, and hope that the tradition of regular conventions will continue in the first half of the year as much as possible. "

Kim Seong-tae, the former president of the Korean National Assembly who was coming to leave the office, said: "I tried to respect the time of the meeting, but I am sorry that it is too late for the general meeting of the National Assembly.

Kim Jong-il joins the meeting at the end of the day, and the meeting will be held in July at the special session of the National Assembly to discuss measures to be taken in July.

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