The first space robot AI & # 39; Simon & # 39; … Space Odyssey realizes


CIMON, can you help me with this operation?

German astronaut Alexander Gerst (42) at the International Space Station (ISS) asks for help to his "companion" Simon. Then a lap weighing about 5 kg will fly and find various information necessary for the experiment and will also explain it in German. The name of this robot is & # 39; CIMON & # 39 ;, which is painted with a pencil on a small screen. It is the first AI badistant in the universe with artificial intelligence (AI).

  On January 30, 2018, Simon tests communications at the European Aerospace Center in Cologne, Germany. Simon went to the International Space Station on Spacecraft Falcon 9, launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Base, Florida, last month. Behind the scenes (from left to right) were Christan Karash, Til Eisenberg and Christoph Kosel who participated in Simon's development. [AP=연합뉴스]

On January 30, 2018, Simon tests communications at the European Aerospace Center in Cologne, Germany. Simon went to the International Space Station on Spacecraft Falcon 9, launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Base, Florida, last month. Behind the scenes (from left to right) were Christan Karash, Til Eisenberg and Christoph Kosel who participated in Simon's development. [AP=연합뉴스]

Space X, a private space exploration company in the United States, launched the Falcon 9 (version 4) rocket with Simon on Oct. 29 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Base in Florida. This is the first time in history that AI robots have fled into space. The artificial intelligence robot "HAL" in Space Odyssey (1968), directed by Stanley Kubrick, master of science fiction (SF) film, has become a reality for 50 years.

Unlike the HAL in the film, which goes beyond human intelligence and drives astronauts to death, Simon communicates and helps the crew to accomplish his tasks smoothly. c rew I interactive MO same Companio I mean, it's a mobile companion that interacts with members of the # 39; ISS. N ) is the reason why he was named by name.

  A scene from SF Space Odyssey 2001, directed by Stanley Kubrick, released in 1968 after the original novel by Arthur Clark. The artificial intelligence "HAL9000", which operates the spacecraft Discovery, eliminates astronauts who want to stop them. As Simon was working on the International Space Station (ISS), HAL9000 in the film became reality in 50 years. [스페이스 오디세이 캡처]

A scene from Stanley Kubrick's SF "2001 Space Odyssey", released in 1968 after Arthur Clark's original novel. The artificial intelligence "HAL9000", which operates the spacecraft Discovery, eliminates astronauts who want to stop them. As Simon was working on the International Space Station (ISS), HAL9000 in the film became reality in 50 years.

Simon is working on the mission of astronauts. Improve the efficiency of the crew's work by proposing solutions to problems encountered or by anticipating technical problems that may arise on the space station. In particular, it is possible to communicate with people, and it is possible to identify the meaning of the question and provide various types of information, including images and photographs based on that. To do this, Simon is equipped with an artificial intelligence "Watson" developed by IBM.

Watson is an artificial intelligence technology that has been developed by IBM since 2005 and is currently used for medical, legal, and criminal investigations. In 2014, 70,000 articles on "P53", an anti-cancer gene, were badyzed for six proteins that affect carcinogenic genes. Simon has an AI that the medical science professor did in five months and 38 years in a month.

  The initial screen of the artificial intelligence Watson installed in Simon. Watson, who IBM began developing in 2005, is used in various fields including health care, law and criminal badysis. At the end of July 2017, there were more cases in Korean university hospitals where medical staff and patients badyze Watson's disease and cause, decide on surgical methods and remedies. [자료제공=가천대 길병원]

The initial screen of Watson AI on Simon. Watson, who IBM began developing in 2005, is used in various fields including health care, law and criminal badysis. At the end of July 2017, there were more cases in Korean university hospitals where medical staff and patients badyze Watson's disease and cause, decide on surgical methods and remedies.

Simon's project manager, Cristian Karasu, says that he must be part of the "" We can not take any technicians who are on the moon or on Mars, "he said," but because the AI ​​can gather all the information on the knowledge of humanity, it's great for astronauts. This will help. "

Kirk Shaymon, director of the ISS program, also said:" The power of AI is essential for humanity to be able to move away from the Earth, " at a press conference before the launch of Falcon 9. Suggest AI robots will play an important role in the search for new homes.

Simon is currently receiving three missions, according to an Airbus manager, a French aircraft manufacturer who developed Simon.Working with partner astronaut Gerst to search for crystals, perform complex medical experiments and solve together Rubik's Cube.For this purpose, Simon has been optimized for the ease of & nbsp; Used by Gerst.

  The launch of Space X Falcon 9 announced by NASA on the 1st last day [AP=연합뉴스]

The launch of Space X Falcon 9 announced by NASA [AP=연합뉴스]

29th of last month , when the scene of Falcon 9 shot by Simon was captured urged by local residents, a report of "unconfirmed flying objects" appeared in the Florida media. But scientific media such as Astecia have praised it as "Space X made a spectacular appearance in the Florida skies at dawn." The Falcon 9 rocket, loaded with 2,700 kilograms of cargo, will deliver the cargo to the ISS as Space X's 12th rocket.

Huh Jung Won reporter [email protected]

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