The GEAR – LG Electronics runs the staff and reorganization … Establishing the & # 39; Robot Business Center & # 39;


In 2019, the restructuring of LG Electronics' staff and organization will be limited to accelerating future activities and strengthening accountability management. The "Robot Business Center" and the "Autonomous Navigation Task" will be newly created under the authority of the CEO, and the North American Research Organization will be integrated with the "North American Center for research and development "to strengthen research and development in artificial intelligence.

LG Electronics held its board meeting on November 28 and proceeded to recruit senior management (January 1, 2019) and reorganize (December 1, 2018) in 2018. Strengthening the Business Unit Accountability Management, the CEO will establish a framework to focus more on the future business plan and ongoing business portfolio adjustments, while establishing the business center of the robot and the commercial navigation task autonomous located directly under the CEO.

In order to develop new robotic products and services and expand the market, the Robot Business Center will integrate organizations and staff related to distributed robots in various organizations such as CTO, H & A Division, Institute of Production Technology and of material. The center manager will be the general manager of LG's planning team. The commercial task of autonomous training focuses on investment and capacity building in the medium and long term. Yoon Yong-cheol, a veteran of the automotive industry and a global network, has been named leader.

LG Electronics will also establish a "R & D Center for North America" ​​by integrating research organizations in the United States and Canada, including North America, to strengthen research and development. development in artificial intelligence. "Cloud Center", responsible for the cloud, big data, etc., is transferred to CTO. In order to promote synergy at the enterprise scale and strengthen the future software-driven growth engine, such as artificial intelligence, IoT and 5G, It will be promoted to the position of "Commercial Development Division of Kangjang Complex" and will retain Vice President Hwang Jung-hwan.

President Kwon Bong-suk will head the Commercial Division ™ and head the HE Commercial Division. Kwon was in charge of product planning at MC's head office.

In the meantime, five people have been promoted to Vice President, 12 Executive Affairs and 39 Business Promotion. LG Electronics said: "Based on in-depth performance, we have selected talented people who have not only commercial achievements, but also growth potential and outstanding ability to prepare for the future."

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