"The Grant … Concerns About Financial Dependence"


Government injects more than $ 12 trillion into promoting economic policy in the second half of the year
"Etrc 3.8 trillion won, job stabilization fund 3 trillion won, fund 4 trillion won"

The government will support low-income people from the second half of this year until next year. And the budget to create jobs.

According to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance (MOFE) on January 18, the government plans to increase budget spending by about 8% next year,. Kim Dong-yeon, deputy prime minister of the economy, said: "The growth rate of budget spending for next year will be more than half of 7%, which is 2% greater than half-5% The so-called "expansionary finance" will provide wellness resources for low-income families and support for ordinary people.

However, since the ruling party claims more than 10% of next year's budget growth rate, the budget growth rate should be above 7%. Considering that the budget for this year is 429 billion won, the budget for next year is supposed to be a super budget of 460 to 470 billion won.

In order to raise funds for the second half, the government decided to use 4 trillion KRW of funds, for example to obtain 2.4 trillion won from the housing fund and use it to increase rental funds. The tax incentive system is a method of refunding taxes, so there is no additional budget, but because the amount of the tax refund is reduced by the amount of the refund of taxes. tax, the effect is the same as that of the financing.

It is feared that financial strength will deteriorate as a result, but the government has predicted that it would be able to collect enough welfare resources because of good tax revenues. In order to solve the income bias, it is necessary to make some financial contribution.

Some argue that the government is in financial dependence, often putting subsidies on jobs and low-income families to turn off the lights on their feet. Cho Moon-mo, professor of economics at Sungkyunkwan University, stressed that "the welfare policy is hard to eradicate the policies that were once made because of the opposition of existing recipients . "

Sejong = Song Chunghyun reporter: [email protected]

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