The heart of Lotta that led to the victory


[매경닷컴 MK스포츠(고척) 한이정 기자] His Soo-sup (30, Lotte Giants) showed good performances in the air and led the team to victory.

Lotte won 4-3 in the match against Nexen Heroes on Goguryeo Sky Dome on 29th. He finished 43 wins, 2 draws and 53 losses in the day to beat the Kia Tigers in 7th place.

It was a game where the performance of His Ae-seop was outstanding. Sohn Ae-seop, who started on the right field with two hits, scored 2 homers and 3 RBIs in 4 battles.

   The 0th image of the article

Soo-hyun led the team to victory by playing an active role. Photo (Gochek) = Kim Jae-hyeon

Son Ae-seop, who was out of the field field at the infield in the first inning of the first inning, In the first inning, Jake Brigham goalkeeper, fastball , hit the ball in the middle of the second inning. The distance is 115m.

His Hae-seop, who had a circuit in season 18 of the season, doubled in the plate at the plate, but was unable to score with a misfire after.

This is not just an attack. Lotte was saved by the cost of the lake, which does not buy a decisive moment.

Lee Taek-keun hit the ball in the right field with five goals in 3B1S against Felix Dubbront, who was in the middle of the sixth run without a runner.

Lee Taek-keun hit the ball away from the foul line, but it was difficult to catch the right fielder deep to the barrier. However, Sohn Ae-seop went beyond the foul line to the barrier and missed Lee Taek-keun.

Lotte the day before (28th) was victorious by the great success of Min Byung-Hun. The power of His Ae – seop was excellent on this day. It was a victory for every major moment with the power of the main players. [email protected]

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