The home run is not the end but the beginning,


In the afternoon of the 19th, Hanhwa Life Eagles Park 2018 professional baseball Shinhan Bank Maika KBO league after the Zen playoff season first match Hanhwa Eagles and Nexen Heroes match 4th place Musa second situation situation Nexen Park Byeong-ho look a hit. © News1

The home run is not everything. So Park Byung-ho (32? Nexen Heroes) is even more scary.

Park, Byeong-ho, played for the Hanwha Eagles in Daejeon, Korea, in the first game of the 2018 Shinhan Bank semifinal in the Hanwha Eagles, including 2 against 4, 2 for 3 with a 2-point homer . Led.

The home run was the fourth inning. Park Byeong-ho, who appeared on the second goal at MUSA, attacked David Hale, Hanhwa's starter, in the first round of the 1B-1S in a goal at 3 (147km), and the ball touched the left fence. It was a piece to start the victory of the first stage.

At the next club, Park hired a big shot. When I was on the first goal with Mitt, I blocked the fall of the ball and, on the bench, I thought it was my job to be a veteran and to be obsessed with my juniors.

At the seventh, when the team led by 3-2, the ground ball of the third baseman, Ha Ji-sung, was out of the field of the third baseman, Kim Min-sung, but Park Byeong -ho caught him calmly. This was the base on which one of the captures could be tagged between the third and the house by Yang Sungwoo who had pbaded the third.

After the match, Park said, "I focused, there was a bite on the ground, and the infielders seemed to have trouble throwing it in. If the ball fell behind, Yang Sung-woo could run home and draw, but Park kept his own goal.

Normally, Park also shows the difficulty in catching the ball with a meatball. He is also preparing for the first basic players of the pitcher. Eric Hacker, winner with a series of 5 1-3 innings and winner of the first game, said: "Park is still focused on the game and I can throw it comfortably."

Park Byeong-ho said: "When the hackers were in NC, they knew they were checking and doing a lot, and when I signed with our team, I thought I should not keep an eye on it. "Park Byeong-ho is not a turbulent style, but since Lee Taek-keun was eliminated, the weight of the team as center- There is. Kim Hye-sung, who made two mistakes in the first game, also said: "I was disappointed at a crucial moment, but many players tried to solve it by discussing." I would have been one of them myself.

Among the impressive performances of Park Byeong-ho in the first match, the home run was just the beginning. This contributes to the way it is revealed (home run), but there are many elements that are not very visible. So, the more I look, the more scary.

(Daejeon = News 1)

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