The Homeplus e-paran Foundation donates 100 million won to the Pediatric Leukemia Cancer Association


Homeplus eParan Foundation _ Leukemia Child Cancer Association Donation Ceremony (1) "/> Homeplus e-paran Foundation _ Childhood Cancer Leukemia (1) 0 Ahn Hee Mann Chairperson HomePlus Foundation eParan, actor Kim Bo-sung, Korean double badociation of leukemia and pediatric cancer (left) I'm taking a commemorative photo

Homeplus Social Contribution Foundation The eParan Foundation is committed to promoting the project of care for children with leukemia more freshly and freshly.He made a collaborative video with YouTube Influenza "Shuspo Love" and broadcast it to SNS and announced that it has reached 1 million views in 4 days.

The famous Youtube channel, Shuspo Love, is a creator who carries out fundraising activities for children's child cancer by creating various videos related to football with vision of "Chang the world with football ".

In this video, the Homeplus eParan Foundation gave 100 won for each view (1 view) and decided to donate up to 100 million won for Child Cancer Children when 1 million views is reached.

The Homeplus eParan Foundation donated video donations to the Korean Society Against Leukemia Cancer in Mapo-gu, Seoul.

The gift is for childhood cancer and families, as well as the cost of treatment, and growth for cancer of the child, children, adolescents and siblings. Program, and parental activity for childhood cancer.

Cho Hyun-koo, director of the e-paran Foundation, said: "This donation was a new format of social contribution activity that created interesting videos related to the whole world and created donations through the channels. SNS I will prepare more people to participate in various social contribution activities with accessibility. "

Kim Ji-hye reporter [email protected]

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