The International Armed Forces of the Navy … Voting Decision of Gangjeong Village


  A referendum is held in the afternoon of May 28 to ask if the village of Gangjeong in the city of Seogwipo can accommodate the international armed forces. [강정마을회 제공=연합뉴스]

A referendum is held in the afternoon of May 28 to ask if the village of Gangjeong in the city of Seogwipo can accommodate the international armed forces. [강정마을회 제공=연합뉴스]

The inhabitants of Gangjeong village with a tourist resort-type complex complex (Jeju naval base) voted for the reception of the International Armed Forces.

On the 28th, Jeongju Gangjeong Village of Jeju Island declared that the vote of local residents in the village hall took place in October.

The negative votes are 62 votes (13.8%) and the negative votes are 2 votes.

This referendum was intended for residents over 20 years of age who had resided in Gangjeong Village for more than five years. The total number of eligible voters is about 1,100, but it is estimated that there are about 800 residents who can participate in the vote, except the absent ones.

Kang Hee-bong, village chairman, said, "I think the local referendum decision is really a way for the development of Gangjeong village and residents."

He said: "Some opponents claim that the decision was rejected at the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Village in March, but there was a change in the circumstances." I said that there was no problem. "

Cheong Wa Dae announced on the 25th, that he will follow the results of the vote of the inhabitants of Gangjeong village.

Previously, the Gangjeong Village Council had expressed its opposition to the holding of the International Armed Forces ceremony on March 30, declaring that it was inappropriate to organize military events prior to the conflict and the pain at the Extraordinary General Assembly.

However, the 18 and 24 May, the head of the Chung Wa Dae company and the head of the government asked for a new discussion in the village of Gangjeong.

 Kang Hee-bong, president of the village of Gangjeong, announced the results of the vote after holding an international affairs ceremony held at the Gangjeong Village Community Center in Seogwipo City in the afternoon of the 28. [뉴스1]

Kang Hee-bong, president of the village of Gangje ong, announced the results of the vote after the election held at the community center of Gangjeong village in the city of Seogwipo on July 28. [뉴스1]

However, the controversy remained because the "Kangjeong Village Naval Base Opposition Council" demanded the immediate withdrawal of the hosting plan from the international inspection ceremony the following day .

The opposition council said that it would not accept the results of the general badembly and would not participate organically in the village general badembly to decide whether to He had to vote.

In addition, opposition councils collaborate with the Counterterrorism Committee of the Jeju Military Base and the Island of Peace for Peace, the meeting of the National Council for Jeju Sea Cannon , the committee for anti-seizure. From the 30th to the 4th of next month, we announced '2018 Jeju Life Peace'.

These groups opposed the construction of 2nd Navy Airport and 2nd Airport to make Jeju Island, the island of world peace, the center of military power .

Meanwhile, the International Armed Forces scheduled for October 10-14 will be held every 10 years with a naval luncheon inspecting the combat position of the warship and the military forces of the soldiers.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the march, with a delegation of naval presidents from 30 countries and 20 to 30 foreign traps.

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