The Jeju International Youth Festival "Juju Festival of World Prospects" is held in Seogwipo


  Jeju International Youth Football Poster Poster [사진=HM스포츠 제공]
Jeju International Youth Football Poster [사진=HM스포츠 제공]
[아시아경제 김형민 기자] The Russian World Cup has ended with the French Championship. Divinity Killian Mbufe, 19, emerged as the tournament's best player. He was also credited with opening a new generation of France. The greatest force behind the French championship, led by Mom Baffer, was also a solid and systematic youth football system.

In the end, football insists that systematic systems and high-quality competitions for prospects must be continually attracted and maintained. The city of Seogwipo will host the best international football tournament on the 13th of next month.

Jeju International Youth Football Tournament 2018

This competition, which will be held in five stadiums, including the Seogwipo City Stadium, will be held in a competition where players under 16 years of age will participate Five European teams [호펜하임(독일), 브레멘(독일), 셀타비고(스페인), 레알베티스(스페인), 스탕다루 리에주(벨기에)] A total of eighteen teams (approximately 400), including a South American team (19459028), four Japanese teams (19459029) and a Chinese team (19459030) comprising a total of 11 foreign teams and seven teams Korean [전북현대, 수원삼성, 제주유나이티드, 부천FC, 부산아이파크, 광주FC, 보인중]

This tournament, which includes professional football teams representing each continent and football prospects, will become a festival venue where players who grow up after victory and defeat can experience different football and exchange between them. .

This is an official international competition organized with the approval of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) and the Korea Football Federation (KFA), in Seogwipo, in the Jeju Autonomous Province. Sponsored by the Jeju Autonomous Province Football Special Association, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the National Sports Promotion Society and the Seogwipo City Sports Association .

In particular, after the group league, the match was followed by a win-win tournament and a losing tournament, so that all teams could participate in different teams.

The final match will take place at the Jeju World Cup Stadium and will be held in the championship, second and third place. The trophy and medal will be awarded to the winner of the first prize and a trophy will be awarded to an MVP

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