The Kimcheon Mayor's Room Five Days of Mission


▲ KCTU union members in the lobby of Gimcheon City Hall

KCTU leaders, who occupied the office of the mayor of Gimongon in Gyeongbuk, demanded the conversion of contractors to fixed-term contracts.

Song Min-keun, a member of the KCTU's public transport union, said, "I am going to abolish the conglomerate after accepting three terms, including talks over the next two days, talks with Mayor Kim, and regular talks. . "

Gimcheon City and the Gyeongbuk Public Transport Union branch decided to discuss the conversion project of the two (36) contract fixed-term contract working in the integrated control center of the city of Gyeongbuk. Gimcheon in a contract of employment for the army.

However, it is unclear whether both parties will be able to find consensus in the consultation process.

Five members of the Gyeongbuk Public Transport Union branch replaced the mayor of Gimcheon in the afternoon of the 30th, and 150 members of Gyeongbuk Branch were detained for two days in the city. hall of the town hall.

According to government directives, the Gyeongbuk branch has requested the transfer of members of two-year contracts to arms contracts in the second half of this year.

In the Gimcheon City Integrated Control Center, 36 control staff members work on a two-year (contract) fixed-term contract, 20 of whom are members of the KCTU.

However, the city of Gimcheon is expected to transfer 260 fixed-term contract workers to the workers at the control center.

In particular, if you move to a smart integration control center in one or two years, you will need 21 people.

Kim Chun-hee, director of the Department of Education and Welfare of the Ministry of National Autonomy, said: "We will open the committee on the change of arms contracts and we will change gradually. " According to the KCTU, 19 workers at the Integrated Control Center stopped working in June. There is a problem, "he said.

(Yonhap News / Photo = Provided by Gimcheon City, Yonhap News)

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