The Korean War … A ship of rumors, is this really true?


Yesterday (17th), a conference was held around the world about the treasure ship that was carrying a huge amount of gold and sank off Ulleungdo 110 years ago.


A deeply inclined ship was standing on the ground, and a ship was found in the deep sea. The.

[여기 이름이 써 있어요. D, O, H, S, K, O, I 같아요. 아, H가 아니라 N이네요,]

Shinil Group, a company that leaked the image, said the ship had been sunk at Ulleungdo off the coast of Ulleungdo in 1905,

It is said that it was a boat in a rumor that would have been stored with gold coins and gold bullion of 150 trillion won at the present value.

[박성진/신일그룹 홍보팀장 : ‘돈스코이호’가 러시아어로도 써 있는데, 식별은 불가능해서 선명한 영어 쪽만 공개를 한겁니다.]

After signing the property in the near future, he announced that he would take the permit with the permission of the authorities

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

In addition , it is estimated that the treasury of the fortune teller

In the past, the Doosan Industrial Universe and Donga Construction Co., Ltd. tried to excavate excavations, but all were successful. I have never been able to identify the exact entity. (19459011), [$(‘.main_bnr_event’),$(‘.w_bnr_wing’)]); if ($ (". Sed_article iframe"). Attr ("$ (document) (" div "). css (" $. ") {$ (". sed_article iframe "). (function () {function (i, ## EQU1 ## .async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode (o) [r] .l = 1 * new Date (); a = s.createElement (o), m = s.getElementsByTagName .insertBefore (a, m )}) (window, document, "script", // ;, & gt; ga & gt; ga) "Create" UA-53828044- Ga ("set", "dimension4", "NewsArticle"); ga ("set", "dimension1", "N1004852111") ga (require & # 39 ;, & quot; displayFeatures & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;); ga ("set", "dimension3", "03"), try {ga ("send", & # 39; event & # 39;) & # 39;) 39 ;, & # 40; Article.PC. & # 39; + newsArticleType, & quot; sho & quot ;, & quot; Linkid & quot ;, & quot; Linkid.js & # 39; w & # 39; ;, & # 39; newsid: & # 39; + newsId) ;; catch (e) {}
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