The law "Time waiting for buses, there is no break time"


Kang Jin-ah, a Kang Jin-a reporter, said the driver could not see all the time waiting while waiting for his next operation as work time.

The Supreme Court 2 (Supreme Court Judge Cho Jae-yeon) has five people, including bus driver Munmu, who is a driver, and a transport company, and so on.

Judge said: "We are waiting over an hour already pbaded during working hours during the waiting time, There is no data suggesting that they have specifically supervised or supervised their work during the waiting period or during the waiting period. "On the contrary, the wage agreement and the company's employment rules set the waiting time to be rest time, "

" We were told that the waiting time was somewhat irregular, but the next bus "L 'hour of departure from the driver of bus is fixed in advance on the departure table, so that bus drivers did not seem to have any trouble using it as a time off. "Bus drivers are free to" go out ". use their waiting time "

" When we wait for the next bus after the completion of the bus, we have time that does not correspond to the hours Working,

After taking the bus, the bus driver, the bus driver, went back to the office and waited until the next hour of operation, rest, vehicle maintenance and cleaning.

They said, "In addition to bus service time, they also work 20 minutes a day. "We need to include the time of preparation and arrangement, the waiting time, etc. in working time, and pay the overtime allowance for extra work."

The company ordered the plaintiffs to pay them between 1.7 and 4.70 million won.

The court said: "According to the dispatcher's instructions, we must prepare for the next service, rest in the waiting time, do the maintenance or inspection of the car , or clean the vehicle. (19659010)! The function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) is the hour) {
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