The leadership of the ruling Uri party was elected to the standing committee this weekend.


© News1 Ahn Eun-Na and Reporter

Planned to elect the permanent president at the plenary session of 16

(Seoul = News 1) Na Hee Yoon reporter =

The ruling elite will elect the outgoing president except the president of education, culture and sports on the 16th during the plenary session.

In addition, the Democratic Party won eight standing committees, seven in the Korean Free Party, two in the Just Future Party, and members of the Peace and Justice Assembly.

The Democratic Party divides the Permanent President into the order of the player – date of birth according to custom.

The Korean government received a chairman of the Hope Standing Committee at 5 pm the previous day (13th). The Korean government plans to badign its standing committee, players and permanent presidents according to their age.

The future just party and the Democratic Party of Peace have decided the chairman of the standing committee, and they are badigning standing committees to every member of parliament. . The future right-wing party decided on the president of the information and education chairman, Lee Chan-yeol.

When the president's distribution is over, the headquarters of Mount Yeoya's headquarters begin badigning standing committees in consideration of the professionalism of their members.

In particular, it is necessary to organize a fierce competition to enter the Committee on Education, Culture and Sports Tourism, the Committee of the Ministry of Land Transport, the Committee of Popular Enterprises and industrial.

For this reason, lawmakers have asked for a face-to-face meeting with the power of the ruling party to appoint standing committees,

However, the ruling Uri party plans to finalize the traffic until At the end of the week, but if it is not easy to organize it, it will be elected before 16.

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