The lowest birth rate in the third quarter, the total fertility rate is 0.95


The birth rate does not drop abruptly. In the third quarter of this year, the number of births fell to 80,000, bringing the total fertility rate to 0.95. The lowest birth rate of last year should be renewed this year.

According to statistics released by the National Statistical Office on August 28, the number of newborns in the third quarter decreased by 9,200 (10.3%) compared to the same quarter of last year , rising to 84,400 in September 2018. It's the smallest since 1981, year of the beginning of the monthly statistics. In September, the number of newborns decreased by 4,000 (13.3%) from 26,100 a year earlier.

The total fertility rate, which corresponds to the number of children that a woman is supposed to have for life, dropped to 0.95 in the third quarter. The third quarter of last year was 1.05.

The total fertility rate rose from 0.95 in the fourth quarter of last year to 1.07 in the first quarter of this year, but less than one in the third quarter, after the second quarter (0.97). In general, the birth rate is expected to decline in the second half of the year. Statistics officials said: "The total fertility rate for this year will likely be less than 1.0," a spokesman said.

The National Statistical Office (NSO) predicted the population decline between 2016 and 2028. The population decline is expected to accelerate with the recent low birth rate trend. To maintain the current population, the total fertility rate should be 2.1. The total fertility rate was 1.05 last year, the lowest since 1970, when statistics began to be written. This year, he is likely to change this record.

The number of marriages is also down. The number of marriages in the third quarter was 53,800, down 3,200 (5.6%) from the same period last year. This is the lowest figure since statistics for 81 years. In the third quarter, the death toll rose to 70,600, up 2,900 (4.3%) from a year ago. The natural increase in the number of births, minus the number of deaths, was 9,900 in the third quarter. Compared to the third quarter of last year (21,900 people), it has decreased by more than half.

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